
System controls people

By S. Raymond Pohaski 3 min read

Why is the newspaper industry struggling to maintain its importance in today’s Internet-committed world? It is because people are not happy with what is being sold in the newspapers, and the ideas it is trying to sell to its readers.

Why are parents not happy with our public school system? It is because, just like our newspapers, the public school system has been turned into a form of “thought control.”

Both institutions, the papers and the schools, have lost their main strength of preparing people to meet the challenges of life as strong and independent-thinking, self-reliant individuals.

In such a system, individuals, you and I, are sacrificed for the good of expanding the power of the system of education. There are bound to be unhappy and poorly-adjusted students due to the fact that individual talents and interests and creative direction of each child is not being cultivated and developed as it would be if there was real love for people.

There is no love for people where the system is put above the person, where the child is forced into a cookie cutter mold in order that he or she be made into some kind of employable machine after graduation.

We all live in a dark world where every child is being sacrificed in order to make him slave to the larger economic “system,” in order to keep the system growing stronger. As people, you and I are made less important because no government system loves people. If that were not so, then the government would have no hand in killing us, which they do; and will remain one of the top killers of human beings. By direct fire or by drone, it makes no difference to Obama.

Along with all that human sacrifice, there is bound to be human unhappiness all over the world, human sorrow and weeping all over the world because the government wants to teach your child “what” to think and fears those who would teach us “how to think.”

Once you were small and just getting started. Little did you realize how your teachers were programming you with fear of failure to bow down and accept all the lies you had to agree to accept. Now you are old, worn-out, useless to the system and played out. Because you were never taught “how” to think, how to unlock the genius of creativity inside your soul; that is why you feel you have no more purpose, no more joy to awaken and try new ways of doing your day with new energy and enthusiasm. It all goes back to the beginning and how you were sacrificed in order to grow and perpetuate the “system” of thought control that every government needs in order to create obedient tax slaves.

S. Raymond Pohaski is a resident of Uniontown.


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