Don’t blame police
As I read the news that four police chases resulted in fatalities in Fayette County, I had to wonder about the following questions.
Do the individuals driving (not to mention if they had their current driver’s license, which is another example) not know when the red and blue lights are following you, it means ‘pull over, I am the law and I want to investigate something concerning you or your vehicle?”‘
Do these individuals think they can outrun the law? Do they think the law does not pertain to them? Do they think they are in the right?”
Our country was based on Christian principles that our forefathers and military today uphold with honor. Our moral code was derived from the Bible (Basic Instruction Before Life Ends) where the right from wrong is clearly spoken and communicated to all those who are exposed to the source. In years past, families went to church as a meeting place for instruction in reading the book, interpreting the book and walking the walk that it teaches. Families were lead by the head of the households to church and morals and values were groomed in the home, where individuals learned respect, integrity, character and basic right from wrong. Today with the blurring of family roles, life responsibility and plain laziness, the Fayette County family is missing the church service on Sunday morning and the opportunity to be enriched and help our society upgrade our standards. Where does the next generation learn right from wrong?
Let me tell you that it is wrong to try to flee from the police on foot or in a vehicle. Law enforcement take their jobs seriously and are sworn to guard our community against the wrongs and more often, put themselves in danger from those who think they can do whatever they please. If we are to have positive growth in this county, we must know, teach and perform right from wrong. Do not blame the chase but the criminal that creates the chase. It may be your or my innocent family member that pays the ultimate price. That also is wrong.
Go to church, learn, teach, reinforce right from wrong, admit to wrong when it occurs even if it is from a loved one. Our community, county and country will be a better place for all of us to live.
Mary Anne Coffman