Obama destroying United States
As Barack Obama in D.C. and Obama impersonator-in-a-wolf-suit in Pennsylvania open the borders, it presents an opportunity to reflect on America then, as founded and America now, as demolition efforts under the reign of radical liberal/socialists accelerates.
There are major differences between what immigrating here was in the past and what it has become today. The reason our ancestors came was to start a new life in a free nation, under God, to assimilate and to work toward achieving goals as productive, contributing members of society. The entire process was subject to the rule of law. The people flocking to our shores were of the Judeo-Christian culture, with no intention of destroying our culture, transforming our representative republic to socialism or blowing up towers and sporting event arenas.
The liberal/socialist reason for bringing people here today, with open borders, not subject to the rule of law; but by the executive orders of a tyrant, is to build a voter base to ensure socialism forever. The Obama package includes: citizenship papers, a welfare program and a liberal/socialist Democrat voter registration form. It’s reminiscent of Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s philosophy on how to capture the black community when he declared war on poverty over 50 years ago. (Incidentally, poverty won the war).
Those infiltrating our still (barely) sovereign nation today are of a Middle East culture who are taught from youth to hate and kill Jews and to despise their God, and now since the arrival of Christ on the scene, to also hate and kill Christians.
The Obama plan to transform America has reaped social, economic and political chaos from the start, as is the agenda of “internal” terrorists. If he succeeds with his “climate change hoax” to shut down electric power plants and destroy the coal industry, the United States, as a sovereign nation, will be no more.
The Democrat Party of our ancestors no longer exists. It has been taken over by a radical, liberal disciple of Marxist philosophy. Pray that America wakes up in 2016, before the lights go out.
Ron Misiewicz