Trump for president
Donald Trump will do a great job as president. He will get the country back on track again. He is a businessman, so why wouldn’t he want the United States to do good.
He sure can’t be worse than what we already have. He’s speaking out on stuff before he even takes office. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, and he doesn’t care what other leaders are saying or doing. Sure some people get upset, but that’s their problem.
I’m asking for everyone’s support to get Donald J Trump so he gets elected in 2016. Thank you, and I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a Merry Christmas.
What’s going on in Monroeville, where they can’t say a prayer at a public meeting? This is crazy. These American Civil Liberties Union people need to get deported. People have been saying these prayers for years and years and nothing bad has happened. If you’re offended, then leave the country. Thanks to everyone for reading my latest letter.
Gaylord Fleming