
Trump draws comparisons to Hitler

4 min read

Heil Trump!

Beware of kittens!

I have it on good information that kittens are trying to take over the world.

If I run for president (I’m still not completely sure I won’t), invading kittens will be the foundation of my campaign.

I’ve learned from Donald Trump that if he loudly repeats an obscure source – one that he only knows – the masses will devour it whole.

Not cats. Kittens.

Oh, there’re many good kittens. The little fluffy ones.

But there’s a strain of those critters that wants to destroy our way of life.

That’s the kinda thing that’s driving the Trump candidacy.

Last week, when Trump proclaimed that he’d stop Muslims from entering this country, it drew a standing ovation at a speech down south.

The backlash, though, was startling.

Democratic and Republican presidential candidate immediately expressed their outrage.

Then Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House, offered, “This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday (last Monday) is not what this party stands for, and more importantly, it is not what this country stands for.”

The polls, though, don’t seem to support Paul’s statement. Trump’s popularity increases with each new outrageous statement.

Even the ex-waterboarder-in-chief, Dick Cheney, issued his very own rebuke. To him, Trump’s proposal “goes against everything we stand for and believe in.”

Soon, conservatives and liberals appeared all over TV to denounce Trump’s plan, and to compare him to Adolf Hitler with his notions of a Nazi world domination.

There’s some proof they’re onto something.

It’s already been acknowledged that, at one time, Trump read Hitler’s speeches.

Ivana Trump, one of his ex-wives, once claimed he kept The Fuhrer’s book of speeches, “The New Order,” in a cabinet in his bed.

But there’s more.

Hitler’s most famous work, “Mein Kampf,” is littered with the frameworks of propaganda that he used to design the Third Reich.

Trump is a propagandist in Hitler’s image.

“To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses,” asks and answers Hitler in Chapter VI.

Trump’s appeal to the “masses,” can be seen in polls that indicate his most devoted followers. According to recent polling, the bulk of his support is derived from mostly white men, with no more than high-school educations.

“All effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan,” wrote Hitler.

Slogans? “Make America Great Again,” is Trump’s incessant refrain.

He uses it alternately with the promise that, “I will build a wall. It will be a great wall.”

Hitler knew that his success among the German masses was dependent on affirming, then reaffirming the fact that Germany would be a much better place if it were not for the Jews.

For Trump, remove the word “Jew,” then insert the word “Muslim.”

And then follow the insane blueprint of Adolf Hitler, when he wrote about propaganda, “Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.”

“Always and unflinchingly?”

Armies of fact-checkers will dissect, and subsequently disprove Trump’s many false statements.

Yet he refuses to admit he’s wrong.

We’ve already seen Trump snared in his own falsehoods back in 2011, when he claimed that he’d sent his operatives to Hawaii and they found proof President Obama wasn’t an American.

But on April 27, 2011, Obama released his long-form birth certificate, and offered it for public view.

Trump still managed to win in his vicious propaganda campaign against the president.

Only 29 percent of Republicans believe the president was born in this country.

The ingredients of effective propaganda, as per Adolf Hitler, were simple; create a monster (the Jews); then eliminate them from sight.

For Trump, that’s Muslims.

For me, it’s kittens.

They become fire-breathing dragons, ya know.

Edward A. Owens is a three-time Emmy Award winner and 20-year veteran of television news. E-mail him at


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