
United States is losing its way

3 min read

Here are some facts all of us should think seriously about in light of the recent attacks in our country.

In the history of the world, only two nations were dedicated to God: ancient Israel and America. Twenty five hundred years ago, King Solomon dedicated Israel’s holy Temple to God. On April 30, 1789, George Washington and his cabinet dedicated America to God in a little church that still stands at Ground Zero. The covenants of both nations had a condition. If they honored God, the nation would be blessed, but if they turned away from him, the blessing would be removed.

Gradually, ancient Israel turned away from their covenant, finally driving God out of their land and bringing in idols to fill the void. They exchanged him for false gods of sensuality, and self-interest, even offering their children on altars of false gods.

God tried to call them back through warnings. Finally, His protection was removed. Israel’s arrogant response when their enemies finally destroyed the holy Temple was: “The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.”No repentance for their sins.”

History is repeating itself in America. God has been driven from the public square. His laws have been trampled, and morality has deteriorated to the point where tens of millions of unborn children have been sacrificed on the altar of a false god of “convenience.” Our covenant with God has been broken.

America’s first warning came on 9-11. Our country was attacked by our enemies and three thousand lives were lost. Ironically, on 9-12, the exact arrogant words which were spoken in ancient Israel were spoken by the Speaker of the Senate in Washington DC:”The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars,” (Isaiah 9:10).There was no repentance for sin.

The rebellion continues since 9-11, and homosexual marriage has been accepted.The White House was immediately bathed in rainbow colors in defiance against God’s law.

Politics will not save us. Our worst problem is not guns or ISIS. It is sin against our creator. Only if our nation returns to Him in true repentance will we again enjoy the safety and prosperity that comes with honoring our covenant with God. Wake up, America!

Rosemary Fike

Hanover, Pa.


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