Trump praised for honesty and candor in campaign
You can say what you will about Donald Trump, but I have to admit that I kind of like the guy. Granted, I’m a Libertarian and Rand Paul was my preferred candidate, but I’ve come to realize that even though his message is right, Rand might be the wrong messenger.
In search for a candidate to defeat Hilary Clinton, at this point in time, I believe that “The Donald,” or Ted Cruz would make the better candidate. I think we need someone in the White House who isn’t a Washington establishment insider. For too long the establishment insiders have blown smoke up a particular part of our anatomy to get elected. Once they do, all the change they promised disappears and we just get more of the same.
A rock band called The Who had a hit years ago, titled, “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” In the lyrics they sang: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” It wasn’t prophetic, it was just an observation. It’s amazing how we seem to miss, or ignore, what we’re looking at.
I don’t know who advises Trump on what to say (maybe he advises himself), but whoever that advisor is, they’re brilliant! We’re all frustrated with politics and the dangers that our society faces from terrorism. Since war is being waged on America by Islamic terrorists (and we don’t know who their modern day “Fifth Columnists” in the U.S. are, until their remains are identified after they become murderers and martyrs for Allah), why doesn’t it make sense to bar visas for Muslims until we can better vet them?
Granted, all Muslims are not terrorists, but all the terrorists attacking us are Muslims.
A liberal columnist wrote an idealistic and wordy piece about a Muslim woman wearing a hijab on a plane who shared an IPhone video with her seatmate to ease her fears. So what?
Maybe she ought to go to San Bernardino, or where the World Trade Center was and show the victims’ families that video. Their “fears” came to fruition. Our liberal columnist’s “feel good moment” means absolutely nothing. Trump isn’t being “un-American.” He’s being “un-stupid!” What is more un-American than our president being idealistically reckless?
There’s an oath people take in this country when they serve in the military or get elected to political office. In it, they promise to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, who has proven themselves to be the greatest enemy against the Constitution? I say it’s the government.
Our establishment politicians, attempting to be “all things for everybody” while running for office, become “nothing for anybody (except themselves)” after the dog and pony show.
Hate crime laws and legislating political correctness is an assault against the First Amendment. Gun Control legislation is an assault against the Second Amendment. The “Patriot Act” is an assault against the Fifth Amendment.
A lot of candidates blame Rand Paul and Ted Cruz for weakening our efforts to protect America by opposing this uncontrolled data mining of our electronic communications. However, all that data mining didn’t protect us from the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. They’re saying these Muslims were talking jihad on the computer years before the attack. They say the female didn’t even give truthful information when she applied for a visa to enter the country. Then why are they collecting all of our electronic communication?
This unpatriotic “Patriot Act” proved more than useless regarding the Boston Bombers. The government was so busy checking our electronic communications, they didn’t check their own. The Russian government notified and warned the U.S. government about these guys from Boston, saying they were up to something. The government was so interested in who you call, that they didn’t care who was calling them?
It wasn’t: ISIS/ISIL, the Russians, Communist China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Mexico, or Canada (but I have my suspicions about Canada), that attack the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution is under constant attack from Washington, D.C.
Don’t you guys see this? Surely you’re not so blind that you can’t connect the dots. Many politicians in government are in fact: Benedict Arnold. Once they get your vote, they’re out to eliminate all limits on government. That’s what the U.S. Constitution does.
A lot of people complain about Donald Trump, but he’s the only person in the race that is being honest with the American voters. He’s calling it what it is. We’ve allowed America to become what it is and Donald Trump is the only candidate to hold up a mirror, so we can look and see what we’ve done.
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz seem interested in returning the country to what it once was. But they’re stuck under the shadow of “The Donald” and their chances of getting out from under it are slim. Their chances of winning against Hilary (at this point in time) are equally slim. It seems that we’ve become so used to being lied to, or getting an “Obama phone,” that liberals just want a liar of a different gender to give them free (that taxpayers pay for) “stuff.”
Personally, I’ve had all the smoke blown up my behind that I can stand. Even you non-smokers are looking like you smoke when you burp. There’s a lot of second hand smoke the air and establishment politicians are initially responsible for putting it there.
When I vote for president, if I can’t vote for a candidate I prefer; who has a chance of winning, I’m voting for the one that lies to me the least. That would be Donald Trump.
John Lucas is a resident of Vanderbilt.