Words from the Web 1-2-15
For the second time in two days, a person was shot and killed by the owner while breaking into a home in the area, the first in California borough early Saturday morning and the second in Daisytown Sunday evening. While in both cases it seems the intruder(s) allegedly provoked the shooting, do you think that US citizens are too quick to use excessive force these days, or do you believe homeowners are given the right to protect their home and family and should by any means necessary?
“No one has the right to break into anyone’s home. The homeowner maintains his home, pays taxes on his property, buys insurance and pays yearly or bi-yearly premiums. I believe that homeowners have right to defend themselves, their families and homes with deadly force if necessary.”
“You may break in, but you will be carried out!”
“I think the knee cap would work about the same. They are desperate. The cops need to do something.”
“If somebody is bold enough to break into another person’s home to commit a crime, they deserve any recourse they get.”
“If a case like this goes to court, lawyers will twist the truth on a technicality. Dead men tell no tales.”
“We should be able to protect our family and homes by any means necessary! Why should people lay down and let someone violate and steal the things a family worked for. Besides, these fools know if you break in someone’s house, you can and will be shot!”
“If you do this and I am home, you don’t get to go home. Respect my rights and I will respect yours.”
“Yes, defend your home.”
“Whatever it takes to protect my family. If it means I have to shoot someone I would shoot to kill.”