Security needed
Recently, the United Bank near Walnut Hill Road in Uniontown was robbed. Good things happened, as the robber was caught by police and fortunately, none of the employees were hurt or injured.
I worked at the Fayette Bank, corner of Main Street and Morgantown Street in Uniontown for about four years, then entering the insurance business for 37 years and retiring in 1997. I can remember that our bank, at the time, had a security guard, armed and protective, and we never had any robberies at that time. Why is there no protection today? Not just in Uniontown, but anywhere in our country?
An example; I made a trip to Italy a few years ago, visiting my relatives approximately 150 miles from Rome and had the pleasure of visiting a bank in the town of Ascoli, Italy. Well, much to my surprise, it was quite different than here in our country.
First, you are to get in line, like waiting for lights to change from red to green. Then, you can enter the bank, one at a time. After your transactions are complete; now you get a green light to leave the bank. Banks are open in afternoons only from 1-4 p.m., and guess what? They have no robberies.
I think if we would have security armed guards with protection, we might slow down the robberies, especially when it comes to banks, gas stations, large department stores, malls, large grocery stores, schools, churches, movie theaters, outdoor events, etc.
Dom Andreani