Wolf blamed for deadlock
Looking at the calendar, the current month is July. The state of Pennsylvania was supposed to have a balanced budget in place by June 30.
What are the reasons we do not? Only one. That being Tom Wolf. A balanced budget passed both the House and Senate and was sent to the governor for his signature by the June 30 deadline, but his highness Tom Wolf is refusing to sign it. Why is he refusing to sign the budget? Because it is balanced without a tax increase.
Being the good little socialist that he is, Tom Wolf wants to increase the state personal income tax from 3.07 to 3.70. Also he wants to increase the state’s sale tax rate from 6 percent to 6.6 percent and he wants to expand the number of goods and services currently not taxed to be included on the list of taxable transactions.
In these days of economic uncertainty, why would an elected official of any taxing agency believe that balancing a budget should be done on the backs of would-be consumers of goods and services. Doing so will cause economic blight of epic proportions, but individuals that are of the mind-set like Tom Wolf do not care.
It seems that Tom Wolf is on a mission to pay back those who contributed to his campaign and helped him politically to get elected. To him, it’s damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead and if we lose a few property owners along the way, well that’s collateral damage.
Tom Wolf and members of the House and Senate who voted against a balanced budget with no tax increase need to be singled out and replaced during the next election cycle. Voting out these individuals must be a priority and can only be accomplished by getting out the vote and working tirelessly to expose who they are and their agenda. If we do not achieve our goal, our neighborhoods will be transformed into a section and housing metropolis.
Property owners work long and hard to purchase and maintain their homes only to have elected officials impede the growth in its value by imposing and increasing the burden of taxation.
Property owners need to be protected, not viewed as a never-ending source of monies to pay the wants and needs of a few elected socialists who believe they are in office to redistribute our wealth to others. Our homes and our wealth are not subject to compromise.
Back off Gov. Tom Wolf and sign the budget!
Edward Zadylak