Words from the web
A number of Republican governors, presidential candidates and members of Congress pledged Monday to oppose or even defy President Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees as the party’s fury over illegal immigration and border security reached new heights. Meanwhile, Vice President Joe Biden cautioned against such action, saying that’s exactly the reaction the terrorists are seeking. He said the U.S. must maintain its principles or the terrorists will have won the battle. What do you think? Should the U.S. refuse to accept refugees from Syria, or are you OK with President Obama’s resettlement plans?
“I find the Republicans way of thinking appalling. They seem to be white supremists. We as Americans have to allow these immigrants in. What if that was us, and we had nowhere to go? These people have lost eveything. All they have are the clothes on their back. We must stay free and not give in to all this hatred. That’s exactly what ISIS wants us to do. We must stay strong and help these people.”
“White supremacists? The KKK was founded by Democrats.”
“The jihadists are less than one percent of all Muslims. There are many good Muslims. We can’t alienate all of them. They make up about one-third of the world’s population. There are over 40 million Muslims in Europe. That passport was planted so we would react this way. Wake up America, you’re being manipulated.”
“A planted passport? Come on, that is beyond irrational thinking!”
“Let them live with you and your family then. I myself have enough bullets for each one of them. I would not flee my country. I will fight for my home. No reason to be a refugee. I say bomb them into extinction.”
“How exactly are you going to bomb one-third of the world’s population into extinction? These Republicans have no idea what they’re talking about. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.”
“The passport was a fake. A guy with the same passport but different photo was detained in Turkey. I’m not saying the guy wasn’t from Syria, but the passport was a fake.”
“It was planted so countries would react the same way you are reacting.”
“It’s not going to be so secure when you invite the enemy in. No way all these refugees are actually refugees. There are ISIS among them. That’s just common sense.”
“Why should we give these people homes here? Obama needs to step up and take care of ISIS so these people can go back to their homeland.”
“You house them and support them with your money and when you get an ISIS member that kills your family then at least you can say you loved them and welcomed them here.”