Vote for Foltz
If you’ve seen the ratings by counties across Pennsylvania, you will see Fayette County at the bottom. Why? I place the blame sorely at the feet of the Fayette County commissioners.
Believe it or not, they are still tinkering about a new prison that we do not need; remodeled maybe, but not $34,000,000. Move some of the inmates, who have no desire to escape, to a less secure structure such as the public safety building, not $34,000,000 dollars. One commissioner, (what’s his name) wanted the new building so badly that he doesn’t care about $34,000,000.
They are wanting to drill a gas well into a park-playground. Never mind the truck traffic or the chemical-laced water down the hole. Where will they dump it? Heaven knows or how about the danger of methane gas? It can explode!
The commissioners need leadership. I learned it at ROTC for five and a half years as a U. S. Marine. I want a couple of people with me. Marigrace Butela who knows how to help people. Don’t worry Dunbar Township – she will be your tax collector. Twenty years and five terms prove that she knows what she is doing! There is someone else besides me. She will be nameless for now! It will mean better hours and more money. They will both be multi-taskers. I know the perfect job for her that she is very familiar with! They can do the jobs of other county employees for a lot less money. I want them to contact companies looking for a home. It might take tax restructuring, but it will mean more jobs.
Other than Fayette County Commissioner Angela Zimmerlink, we need a new team with no political has-beens. I can do that job – lead and perform.
I am running as an Independent write-in. I need votes from both sides.
Bob Foltz