Trump will be a scary president
Recall the 1964 movie, “Dr. Strangelove,” starring George C. Scott, Peter Sellers, Slim Pickens-to mention a few of the actors? Remember the ending of the film and the lyrics sung by Vera Lynn?
“We’ll meet again
“Don’t know where
“Don’t know when
“But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
“Keep smiling through
“Just like you always do
“Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away”
The narcissist of a madman who now is this country’s President-elect and soon to be president may well have all of us – African-Americans, Whites, Latinos, Indians, Muslims, etc., singing the above lyrics in the near future as we are marching to political detention camps by Wisconsin’s Sheriff David Clark or being dragged off to kangaroo courts by the new Attorney General Jeff Sessions; or learning how to goose-step to the cadence of General Michael Flynn, national Security Advisor; or attending brain washing sessions on the fine points of the alt-right conducted by Chief Strategist, Stephen Bannon; or serving as guinea pigs in federal hospitals devoid of Medicare and Medicaid coverage run by Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Tom Price, or being thrown out of your home or apartment by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, or facing possible torture by CIA Director, Mike Pompeo; or ending up as a Marine draftee of Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” James Mattis, or finding you are not secure under the Homeland Security of John Kelly; or losing your savings under Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin; or breathing polluted air because of Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Pruitt or being kicked out of public schools by Education Secretary; or facing foreclosure of your small business by Small Business Administration Director Linda McMahon; or making $3 an hour at fast-food restaurants run by Labor Secretary Andrew Puzder. It goes on and on ad nauseam.
But the scariest thoughts of all: Trump, the demagogue of a president, fingering the button for a nuclear strike on ISIS or Iraq, cozying up to Putin, visiting Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or irritating the sensibilities of China!
A crazy scenario? Hyperbole? – OK, to some extent – for now – but just keep singing: “But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day. Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds away!” Sayonara!
Edwin Lefevre