
Pastor upsetting to some H-S readers

By William "ed'' Nicholson 5 min read

It seems that several of my more recent opinion pieces carried in the Herald-Standard have rubbed a few readers the wrong way.

Apparently, the “rub” was irritating enough that I have gotten several not so nice phone calls and even a note or two in the mail. This is certainly OK and does not offend me. I certainly do not feel that I or any other mortal is above honest criticism. It does amuse me, however, that my local critics won’t sign their notes.

These recent calls and notes have brought something to mind that occurred in our church a year or so ago. I had mentioned in a Sunday morning message that I believed that the popular TV personality, Joel Osteen was more of a psychologist than a Biblical preacher and that many of his teachings were heretical.

I received an unsigned note a few days later suggesting that I should not criticize this “true man of God” and that I was only “jealous and needlessly divisive.” I will let the Lord be the judge of whether this is true or not. However, let me say this. I recognize that we all have a right to our opinions, and I am certainly glad that the liberty and opportunity to express them is still available in this great country.

I also am aware that there is a need for essential unity in any biblical church. However, the basis of that unity must always be based on an acceptance of certain essential posits. None of these principles are more important than a most basic Christian doctrine, namely, that for a Christian, the Bible is the final, authoritative, preserved, inerrant and infallible word of God.

If that be true and is accepted by Christians, then my criticism of Osteen is valid and proper. Since I am a constant decrier of both political and religious political correctness I want to offer my critics additional evidence of just how far I have strayed from the mainstream of current ecclesiastical thought.

Ridicule me or criticize me if you wish … this is certainly your right … but let me be clear about a few things. Not only do I believe that Osteen is a heretic, but I also believe that many of the popular religious TV “celebrity preachers” are money-grubbers and hirelings. I don’t think that women pastors are biblical, and therein, are detrimental to traditional and true Christianity.

I am against liberalism, the New Age philosophy, new evangelicalism, the new wave Christianity,” the alleged “more-up-to date” Bible translations, and all “new” prophetic and extra-biblical revelation. I will not support nor endorse any politician who is for abortion, homosexual marriage, open borders, increasing taxes, socialized medicine, downgrading our military, more gun control or limiting free speech.

I believe in biblical creationism and oppose evolution that it is unscientific and incompatible with traditional Christianity. I believe in absolute religious freedom. It is imperative that in our beloved nation that all must have total liberty to belong to any religion they choose and, also to freely practice whatever the their conscience dictates so long as those beliefs and their practices do no harm to others.

We must be able to believe anything or, should we choose to do so, we must be free to believe nothing at all. But that said, I am absolutely convinced that every religion except biblical Christianity is false, futile and inspired by Satan. I deplore the United Nations, the EPA, the IRS, “Planned Parenthood,” the ACLU, the KKK and any other white or black hate groups. I support and admire our police and condemn “Black Lives Matter.” I disdain Muslim jihadism, communism, socialism, radicalism, feminism, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Baltimore Ravens. I don’t care for or listen to rock music, hip hop, rap music, New Age music, or even contemporary Christian music. I am opposed to hyper-Calvinism, radical Pentecostalism, the excesses of the Charismatic Movement, ecumenism, the National Council of Churches, cultists, and the neutralism and apathy in most churches (especially the ones called Baptist.) I don’t care much for tattoos on women and earrings on men or nose rings in anything but cows. I am not real comfortable with manly-acting and coarse women nor do I care to be around girly, sissy-acting men.

I am a bible-believing Baptist by conviction and would feel embarrassed if I was not. I believe that all Christians should be faithful to their church services unless providentially hindered from attending. At home, I think Christians should regularly pray and read and study God’s word. I believe that both inside and outside the home, every Christian should be Christ-like in conduct, discreet in our behavior and speech, be honest in business, reliable in our promises, and strive to be kind and a “good neighbor” to everybody or else be quiet about being saved.

I don’t think a preacher’s sermon should be used to flatter any person or trimmed to keep from ruffling feathers. But this does not mean that any preacher has a right to be crude, hateful in spirit, needlessly offensive, or to mistreat anyone. I detest gossip, slander, lying, windbags, betrayal, boasters, the self-absorbed, and a know-it-all.

I believe that everything we do should be “unto the Lord” and we should be the very best we are capable of being for his glory. I believe that Christ is worthy of all praise! I am not going to change. I am too old, too cranky and too convinced that I am right. But most of all, I love and fear the Lord too much and am too close to meeting him to be overly distraught about people criticizing or disliking me.

By the way, I don’t like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, unless they are made of chocolate-covered marshmallow.

William “Ed” Nicholson is pastor of the Grace Baptist Chapel located in the village of Little Summit in Dunbar Township.


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