Women deserve recognition
I was a teenage chauffeur driving my parents’ luxury cars from Uniontown to Pittsburgh, to Harrisburg, to Philadelphia, to D.C. and Baltimore. I was privileged to drive Mrs. Jean Sims with Dr. Anna Belle Dantzler Calloway Cooper and Mrs. Muriel Lantz Bailey on many weekends and even missed some Friday school days to deliver these important ladies to various major political, educational, church and social events.
During those long drives, I listened and learned not a word of gossip, but instead, the noble deeds and strategic actions to empower and better Uniontown’s East End community, Fayette County and the world.
Dr. Cooper and Mrs. Bailey were ultimate best friends to my late mother and each of them positively shaped my world. I’m eternally grateful for them. Why haven’t Dr. Cooper and Mrs. Bailey been officially honored for their selfless service to enrich all our lives? Their numerous credentials and achievements are too long to list here but East End, Uniontown, Fayette County and Pennsylvania have benefitted immeasurably by the hard, smart and dedicated work of Dr. Cooper and Mrs. Bailey. The professional, personal and financial efforts of these powerful women tremendously gifted and aided the uplift of so many. Their private and monetary sacrifices are not heralded but deserve same recognition and applaud.
I pray we organize and pay official tribute to Dr. Cooper and Mrs. Bailey soonest. They have surely put in the work and deserve our thanks and full recognition of their accomplishments, generous contributions and selfless love while they are still here. Let us count our blessings and honor them now.
Cindy Sims
Lake Ridge, Va.