Push back against illegal immigration
Be afraid, be very afraid, Homeland (the country in which one was born and makes home). It’s not applicable for illegal entrants and their offspring. American citizen’s purpose is to survive as best comfortably without aggression of others. Consider the Europeans and settlers invading the powerful Native-American Indian and putting an end to their existence as a nation. At present, true citizens must know how the Native-Americans felt and rightfully responded with rage.
When threatened of well-being taken away, you react with negativity. It’s societal nature. If someone trespasses on your property or enters your home “unwanted”, you have every right to explode resistively in a manner within reasonable action. You may call law enforcement or spontaneously deal with the problem personally. It requires your immediate attention (personal force due to necessity).
Illegal over-crowding is like our country falling into a pool of flesh-eating piranha fish and being picked clean to the bone. Christianity is a persona to turn the other cheek when slapped. Sometimes by unavoidable temperament (inherent tendencies of a person to use a force of rabidity) you have no choice. The only thing intentional malfeasance understands. You don’t want to resort to cruelty, but in order to keep your toes from being stepped on by unwarranted aggression; you retaliate with strong force to maintain your wellness. In other words, it’s a matter of self-defense; an integral part of physical conduct. The criminal aspect of illegal immigrants and legal as well, is of most concern. It’s bad enough as it is with established American citizens of wrong. Over-crowding as it presently is, do we need additional crowding and crippling felonious dregs? Weapons and warfare don’t destroy empires; bad politics and people destroy empires.
The problem of illegal immigration should be handled as a sold-out event of entertainment and refusal to permit more ingression of audience. A container of any size can hold so much in order to close the lid. Our country is equivalent in those respects. We are subjected to fast becoming another China/India and crowded to the point of being smothered dramatically (population doom). It’s an open door to catastrophe, out of control and unable to be suppressed. To prevent a forest fire out of control it needed to be snuffed out when it was a spark. It’s too late now. It’s a widespread steady wildfire. There’s only so much to give and go around. A well will eventually go dry (financial support).
Natural-born citizens working laboriously doing the best they can to provide for their own families and being unnecessarily obligated to provide for others and subsequent job loss due to illegal immigrant adoption and tax dollar support is inexcusable. The economic stress being difficult and working citizens scraping the bottom of the barrel for a little something but find only valueless residue; empty pockets have no charity. Our communities have no “elbow room” for additional population and create a crowding turbulence more so than a tornado/hurricane combined. It’s a situation of more people in your way and on your nerves. You break apart and unravel. I like to think of it as “stay in your yard and out of mine.” No one likes to be imposed upon and fractured with aggression. Freedom of rights can be interpreted as a misused disturbing force.
Particular politicians (democratic) supportive of immigration influx are seekers of selfish maneuvers and establishing for themselves the fortune of wellness politically and financially. They are aware of the hazardous immigration but simply “don’t care!” It’s just a matter of “political greed and gain”. Homeland Security agents are outnumbered. They can only go halfway in respect to their job. The “DACA” protective provision (masked devil) for illegal immigrants and their children “dreamers” to provide a hopeful future is cow manure. What about the dreams of our legally-born adults and children being obscured by excessive unlawful immigrants? Our own young adults and children “cry tears” for opportunity and their dreams should be first in accordance with hope and not ignored. The all-important honorable military veteran’s medical treatment is critically abusive and recognized inferior compared to the strong attention as it is with illegal immigration status. It’s not about the “over-used” term of racism, but about practicality (concern with the application of priority) dealing realistically and sensibly for our own dreamers. I’m OK with helping others, but you can only give so much until your well-being and children supersedes. Then the ball changes hands. It’s not brutally selfish, it’s importantly essential. It’s a dog eat dog country and I sure don’t want my children and their children consumed alive by unlawful and legal immigrants.
When your home is over-run with an abundance of cockroaches you can’t use a can of “Raid” insect killer. You have to get a professional exterminator. In the situation of illegal infiltration and presently established illegal immigrants, serious strategic political applications and enforcement must be initiated. It’s a hopeful cure for our well-being (border wall). Everybody can’t have everything, some must dwell in pain. It’s the law of life. A good Christian can be a good Christian to a certain extent.
Why is secondary status essential and primary status is put aside? Think about it. Who is being treated unfairly? You can argue till you’re out of breath. Our country is ear-marked for immigrant fate. Like the Niagara Falls, the water continues to flow and fall endlessly. Immigration was suitable in the early nineteenth century. Today it’s detrimental. Bar your windows and get nerve pills. When being pushed into a corner you have to push back. It’s common sense, unless you’re a complete pantywaist.
Gary Shaporka is a resident of Jefferson Township.