Dowling questions why his opponent wishes to silence the public
I have watched silently while my opponent — a former state Representative who the people of our community chose to reject after his years of taking taxpayer-funded perks, supporting Tom Wolf’s tax-and-spend agenda, and going along to get along in Harrisburg — has attacked me in the newspaper and our community.
Today, I can sit silent no more.
Tim Mahoney’s recent attacks over opioids are false on the facts, and ignore his own sordid history on this issue.
First the facts: In just my first term as your Representative (just over fifteen months), I joined a bipartisan majority to pass new reforms and measures that are 100 percent focused on taking action to address the opioid epidemic. From limiting how long opioids can be prescribed, to providing additional monies for treatment, I have taken concrete steps forward in this fight — more steps than Mr. Mahoney ever took during the decade he had to take action.
Mr. Mahoney’s snarky emphasis on the word “experts” in his recent editorial is blatantly disrespectful to the hard-working individuals who work daily in the treatment and prevention of addiction. As a lawmaker, we are forced to make decisions on a wide range of topics, and are unable to personally be experts in every field; that is why I welcome regular discussions with those who work on these issues professionally.
I have also chosen to ask the public for their input and participation. I think, as representative, listening to the people you serve is important. Why would anyone choose to shut down the public’s voice as Mr. Mahoney has suggested? Perhaps it’s because they have something to hide.
Remember Mr. Mahoney’s history: he used the power of his official office to seek a pardon for a local doctor convicted of running a pill mill … that is, over-prescribing and falsely prescribing drugs including opioids. Why? Maybe because the doctor was one of Mahoney’s biggest campaign donors just months before he pushed for that pardon.
I trust in the intelligence of our community members. They knew what they were doing in 2016 when they rejected Mr. Mahoney’s bid for re-election, and chose to send me to Harrisburg instead. It is an honor and privilege to listen to, and work with, the people of the 51st District or the past fifteen months — an honor and privilege I look forward to continuing.
Matthew Dowling has served as the State Representative for the 51st Legislative District in Fayette and Somerset Counties since January 2, 2017.