Decrease prescription drug cost imperative
Early last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a plan, HR 3, Lower Drug Cost Now 2019, in efforts to decrease prescription drug costs. I support this proposal due to prescription drug costs continuing to rise creating a hardship for many families. In turn, many families are unable to pay for medications resulting in cost-related non-adherence, leading to poorer health outcomes and higher health care cost.
Many individuals are unable to fill their prescriptions, skipping dosages, using alternatives, and even going without lifesaving medications. This year, 24 states have implemented laws making prescription drugs cost effective, and to allow the importation of medication from other countries. The United States is one of the countries with the highest cost of prescription drugs in the world. The AARP (2019) reported that between 2012 and 2017, the average annual prescription drug cost increased 57% and in 2017 a total of 22% of Pennsylvania residents stopped taking medications as prescribed due to cost.
As a nurse seeing many patients struggling daily to afford prescription medication, more efforts need to be put forth by the government to stop pharmaceutical companies from driving up the cost and to implement a plan for cost effective medications.
Heather Hall