Majority of Americans vs. socialistic minority groups
Majority is suppose to always win over the minority.
In today’s society it doesn’t. Why in God’s name are we the majority of Americans letting all our values that we respect and love be taken away from all of us
These minority radical groups have succeeded while we the majority of Americans have just stood by.
Piece by piece, these minority Groups are taking God from our lives, destroying our history, Flag and our Constitution.
The universities are misleading the college students, (future leaders). They are affecting these young adults beliefs with their radical and socialist teachings. We can not let their acts of hypocrisy change the character of our kids.
We know it’s going on, because it happens right in front of us everyday. Our worst enemy is the fake news media and certain political groups in our government. We are called racist if we disagree with these socialistic politicians and the groups that support them.
Remember how we all came together after the tragic event of 9/11. We all shared the impact, pain and suffering. Our Country being attacked, bonded us together. We went to church as a family and asked God to protect us. We all stood together to fight against our enemy. We started to display our flag and was proud to do it. We respected each other and it felt good to be an American again.
As years went by, we lost that feeling, but we can get it back. These radical groups accomplished their goals by threats, lies, rioting and destruction of statues, religious and historical We can’t stoop to their methods, but we can regain what has been taken away from all of us.
We can start by building a solid foundation for our children to build on. 60 to church as a family.
Impress upon them to put their faith and trust in God, respect life, people, our Flag, history and our Constitution. Talk to your kids about what their teachers are doing and what they are learning from them. If their is a problem, follow up on it. We need to get involved and push to get God and our country’s history back in our schools.
We owe it to our children to pay attention to what is going on in their lives, especially in High School and college. Kids are constantly searching for answers and advice to make good decisions in their life. That is why we parents need to make sure they are getting the right education. Do whatever we can to make sure that our kids are not afraid to come to us first in time of trouble.
Most of us are true Americans and really love and respect the United States of America and what better way to show it then by us displaying the American flag where it can be seen by everybody.
It would definitely have an impact in showing that we are united and will stand up against any acts of tyranny that threatens our Country.
Show our strength and determination by standing up against the politicians that endorse socialism and these radical groups, no matter what party they belong too. At the voting poles, we can show these people that we will not let them destroy the values and character of this great nation.
Make sure that we know what all the candidates stand for. Make sure we find out what they voted for and supported in the past How did they vote on moral issues, do they truly respect life, human rights, constitution, history and our nag. We all have good common sense and we care. Stand up and be counted.
Remember, “prayer works miracles” and the right kind of action and support will make us proud to be Americans again.
“God Bless America” and “In God we Trust”
Gene Barnhart