In my free time, (there’s lots of that these days), I find myself rummaging through some of the old columns I’ve written over the years.
I found one column from 2007 that seems to be prescient this week.
“I Lost Winter,” was a column I wrote for the Herald-Standard back in March of ...
This may surprise you, but I’ve known a few Black people over the years.
I hear they’re some mighty fine people. (Don’t ask me how I know that)
According to Donald Trump, Black voters are falling all over themselves getting in line to support him for president.
Take my word for it: ...
Has anybody seen Congress lately?
I’m wondering if it’s growing cobwebs since there have been so few activities up there on Capitol Hill.
That’s part of the reason the 118th Congress ranks just above scurvy in popularity.
The American public (according to the last Gallup polling) ...