Community Calendar
AMERICAN LEGION POST 51 will be having a service officers class from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday. It is mandatory to be a service officer in the American Legion. All members in Fayette County American Legion that are interested in attending please contact George Dextras at 724-434-5844 or email
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH will host a Red Cross blood drive from noon to 6 p.m. April 3 at the church located at 512 Second St., Brownsville.
LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH announces that Liberty Home Educators, a Fayette County homeschool support group, will host Homeschooling 101 Workshop on April 24. The event will provide families the opportunity to talk about what tools they use, look through displays of portfolios and see some of the projects and field trips the group has done. Participants will also be able to browse through a sample of books, catalogs and DVDs of curriculum and cyberschool options. Someone will also be available to answer questions about homeschool requirements and the Pennsylvania homeschool law. The event will also have a used book sale and refreshments. Call Pastor Ewing M. Marietta at 724-570-3730 or for more information 724-626-1265 or 724-437-2424.
SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 51 will hold their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Post home.
POLICY – Items must be mailed to Community calendar,, 8 E. Church St., Uniontown, Pa. 15401 at least one week prior to desired publication date. A telephone number must be included. Items may also be faxed to 724-439-7559 or emailed to For more information, call 724-439-7565.