Masontown Exchange Club recently named its students of the year at a program held at Dolfi’s Restaurant in Masontown.
In top photo, Joetta Britvich, Albert Gallatin Area Senior High School principal (left) is with high school student Katie Diamond, Community Service Award winner.
In second from top, All Saints Regional School Principal Steven Dorko meets with honoree Katie Armstrong, student.
In third photo from top, Albert Gallatin North Middle School winners and principal are (from left) James Patitucci, Jessica Wesolowsky and Alex Arnold.
In fourth photo from top, Albert Gallatin South Middle School winners and instructor are (from left) Kimkberly Helln, guidance counselor; Morgan Collins and Nicholas Podlogar, students.
In bottom photo, Britvich meets with other honorees (from left) Rica Wolfe and Joseph Malone, students at Albert Gallatin Senior High School.