Fayette County Open set for next week
The 26th annual Fayette County Open will be held on four county courses beginning on Thursday, July 31 and running through Sunday, Aug. 3.
The golf tournament begins on July 31 at Pleasant Valley Country Club with an 11 a.m. tee time. The second round moves to Uniontown Country Club on Thursday with a 10 a.m. start. Round 3 will be held at Duck Hollow Golf Club on Aug. 2 with a 9 a.m. start, while the tournament concludes at Springdale Golf Club on Aug. 3 with an 8 a.m. start.
Cost for the four rounds is $175 (including carts). Fee for the two-round senior tournament is $80.
“We’re always looking to get 40 or 50 golfers. Lately, there’s been a downturn with golf guys not wanting to participate,” said Bernie Wydo. “We want to get younger guys in there to bolster the competition.”
Santino Marchitello won the title last year at Duck Hollow with a dramatic chip on the final hole. John Kingora, a multiple champion, was the senior champion.
For more information, contact Wydo at 724-437-7464 or George Knapp at 1-800-446-4466.