Playoff run begins for Ice Miners

The poor Keystone Ice Miners can’t catch a scheduling break.
The franchise moved from Port Huron, Mich., last year, despite a grassroots movement to hold onto the NAHL squad.
Then, the ownership group was removed right before Christmas.
The Ice Miners battled high school football and Steeler telecasts in the fall, and miserable weather conditions at the beginning of the year, ranging from snow to bitterly cold temperatures to snow and bitterly cold temperatures … including the wintry conditions inside the rink.
The Ice Mine is aptly named because it’s one cold room. Gloves aren’t optional and ball-point pens balk at releasing their ink.
Now, temperatures are dipping into the 70s and 60s. The effect of the rink’s ice surface is akin to what Frosty the Snowman experienced for his not-brief-enough encounter in the greenhouse.
But, despite it all, the Ice Miners finished second in the NAHL’s North Division and earned the right to host the opening round of the divisional playoffs against the Soo Eagles.
The playoffs open Friday at 7:30 p.m. with an “Orange Out,” with the club asking fans to don orange to hopefully make the arena look like a huge citrus fruit (or the student section at a Syracuse basketball game). Game 2 is Saturday at the same time. The series moves to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., the following weekend. If Game 5 is necessary, the series moves back to the Ice Mine on Monday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are reasonably priced: $10 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and members of the military, and $7 for students (ages 5-17). Children under 5 enter for free.
But, in an attempt to fill the building, the team is offering a “5 for $25” rate if fans purchase tickets in increments of 5. Tickets can be ordered by calling (724) 628-4847.
But, if you make the decision to attend, I’d highly suggest you get there early on Friday because V.O.W. wrestling will have the building whooping and hollering at the roller skating rink next door with the performance (I use the term loosely) beginning at 7:30 p.m. Parking promises to at a premium, so be prepared.
Poor fellas, still can’t catch a scheduling break.
As I’ve said before, I encounter a lot of wonderful young people through the course of doing my job and, though the sample size is small, I can add the Ice Miners to the list.
The first player was Alex Archibald, who, strangely enough, was taller in person than he looked on the ice. (The press box facilities, like all the seats in the rink, are a mere puck’s throw away from the ice, so most objects appear to be actual life size.)
I had the opportunity to interview goalie Alex Blankenburg after the home finale a couple weeks ago, and then talked to him and Vito Aluia Wednesday for the playoff preview.
All three young men were well spoken and gentlemen, a credit to head coach Michael Gershon and the organization.
If you like defense, then the Ice Miners are your kinda team, especially with the goalie tandem of Blankenburg and Nick Kossoff. The two combined allow just over two goals a game.
So, unless you have plans to catch some rock ’em, sock ’em wrestling action Friday or watch the Penguins continue their self-destruction on Friday and Saturday, I’d suggest you work your way out to Leisenring and cheer on the county’s home team.
They’d really appreciate the support (but just make sure you leave a parking spot for members of the media, i.e., me.)