Tray Matthews, basketball

Tray Matthews has transformed from a somewhat lost middle school student into a promising senior high athlete and student at California High School.
“Tray has definitely come a long way from when we had him as a freshman,” boys basketball coach Bruno Pappasergi said. “He has matured to the point that he is just a tremendous young man to be around.
“When he started as a freshman, I don’t think he cared very much about school or other facet of life, he was just a basketball player. Now, he has grown into a better player and a better person. He has seen what the importance of academics are in order to make the next step of going to college. He’s a perfect example of what a student/athlete should be.”
Because of his progress both in the classroom and on the court, Matthews has been selected as California High School’s male winter sports honoree in the Centennial Chevrolet Scholar/Athlete Spotlight program. Matthews, who carried a 3.2 grade-point average, is a son of Michael and Eve Matthews of California. He has two younger brothers, 7-year-old Michael Jr. and 1-year-old Micah.
He is still undecided on college, but that will likely be determined by where he can play basketball and study business.
“I hope to play basketball in College,” said Tray, whose given first name is Atrayo. “I am looking at Chatham and Penn State Fayette. I’ve met with coaches from both schools and they both seem to have some interest in me as a player.”
“He has the skills and the academic ability to make the next step, no doubt about it,” Pappasergi said. “Right now, we are looking at certain schools for him. He has some work to do academically in order to qualify for these schools, but he is very diligently working at them. I look for great things from Tray, I really do.
“He is absolutely a coach’s dream. He works hard. When he gets on this court, it’s nothing but business. He’s a respectful young man. It’s a joy to be around him.”
It wasn’t always that way with Matthews. He spent several years of his life in Venice, Fla., living with his grandfather. “I came back in sixth grade, but didn’t start playing basketball until I got to high school. I wrestled in middle school.”
“In regard to academics and athletics, he’s a late bloomer,” Pappasergi said. “When he was young, he didn’t take academics seriously. We used to tease him when he was a young kid about how pudgie he was, but now he is growing into a man. He has an athletic body and, academically, he is one of the leaders in school right now. He’s been on highest honor the last quarter and I’m sure he will be on highest honors again this quarter.”
Matthews also played baseball and football as a freshman and sophomore, but devoted more time to basketball beginning his junior year. He is a starter and leading scorer for the 7-3 Trojans heading into last night’s first-place battle against Monessen at home.