Field reports
Allegheny County WCO Douglas Bergman reports that multiple citations were issued this past season to archery hunters who failed to wear a fluorescent orange hat while moving about during the overlap with fall turkey season.The hat may only be removed while the hunter is in the stationary position.
Allegheny County WCO Dan Puhala reports that a local individual is facing several charges for taking an antlered deer during archery season without tagging the deer. Then, a few days later, the same person was charged for allowing a junior hunter he took into the field to do the same. Both antlered deer harvest tags were in the hunters’ possession when the deer were discovered. Hunters are reminded that the kill tag must be placed on a deer and properly completed prior to moving it from the location where it was killed. Possessing a deer and your unused harvest tags after processing a deer are serious game law violations.
Allegheny County WCO Dan Puhala reports an individual is facing charges for shooting a second antlered deer this archery season. Additionally, the first antlered deer was tagged with an invalid license making it also unlawful. Charges are being filed related to both deer. The hunter is facing up to $2,500 in fines and several years of license revocation.
Beaver County WCO Matt Kramer reports several cases recently were adjudicated. They include hunting through the use of bait, failure to display the required fluorescent orange safety material, and littering on areas open to public hunting. All of the defendants pleaded guilty.
Beaver County WCO Matt Kramer reports that a Raccoon Township man was cited for spotlighting for after 11 p.m. It was evident that he had lost track of the time as he continued to spotlight even after being stopped by the WCO. The defendant still had the light out the window while the WCO was approaching the stopped vehicle.
Fayette and Westmoreland counties WCO Andy Harvey reports that a couple was charged for leaving an opossum in a box trap to starve.
Fayette and Westmoreland counties WCO Andy Harvey reports that charges have been filed against two individuals for harvesting an antlered deer with a shotgun on the last day of archery season. The buck was taken in South Connellsville, near Casparis.
Westmoreland County WCO Matthew Lucas reports that a Scottdale man was charged with hunting through the use of bait in Hempfield Township
Westmoreland County WCO Matthew Lucas is still receiving reports of multiple bears in WMU 2A in and around State Game Lands 296. Last year, two bears were harvested in this area.