Heavy rain suspends Legion finale
The Fayette American Legion Baseball League playoffs just can’t seem to catch a break from getting doused with heavy rain.
Colonial 3 met Uniontown Sunday night at Hutchinson Field to decide the league title under gray skies. Those gray skies brought heavy rain, lightning and thunder as Luke Paull threw the first pitch, and after Paull retired the first two batters, the game was suspended with Colonial’s Nik Gibson batting.
“We’ll pick up where we left off with two outs and I think one strike (on Gibson),” said a frustrated Uniontown manager Brad Yohman.
The game is scheduled to resume Thursday at 7 p.m., weather permitting.
“We’ll see if we can get it in then,” said Yohman, adding with a wry smile, “If not, we might have to flip a coin, or play rock, paper, scissors, or darts.”
The rain burst erased about two hours of preparation to get Hutchinson Field presentable for action.
“It’s frustrating. We had a rain burst around 2 this afternoon. We worked from 4 to 5:30, almost 6. That put us behind. There was no chance we could start any earlier,” explained Yohman. “The field was pretty saturated. We did everything we could to make it playable.
“It’s not like a light rain where we can keep playing. It’s a dousing rain. It’s been that way all summer.”
Yohman is hopeful to get the final game of the American Legion baseball season played.
“Something doesn’t want us to play this out. As league president, I definitely want to get it in. I don’t want to leave anything undecided.”