Field reports
Allegheny County Game Warden Douglas Bergman reports a Fayette County man faces charges for setting a cable restraint that was in danger of becoming entangled with some woody vines. Trappers are reminded to use caution when using these specialized tools of the trade.
Allegheny County SGW Dan Puhala reports the last week of the extended WMU 2B deer seasons ended with two separate illegal baiting cases. One case involved an individual hunting deer in a baited area with a borrowed antlerless deer license. The other case involved a deer being unlawfully killed in a baited area. This type of unethical conduct not only has a negative impact on the wildlife resources we all enjoy, but also on the hunting community and the general public’s perception of hunting.
Allegheny County SGW Tom Kline reports a South Fayette Township resident was recently charged with unlawful taking of game or wildlife, shooting across a public road, having a loaded firearm in a vehicle and using a motor vehicle to locate game. The defendant shot a doe from his truck with a flintlock on a state route in Collier Township around 5:30 p.m. A witness heard the shot and saw the smoke coming out of the driver’s side window of the truck. He alerted the local police who quickly contacted the Game Commission. The defendant could potentially face a penalty of up to $1,850 in fines, one month of imprisonment and hunting license revocation.
Allegheny County SGW Douglas Bergman reports charges are pending against several people following an incident where a group of hunters were driving deer through multiple safety zones in McKeesport. Hunters are reminded that safety zones apply to anyone hunting for, taking, pursuing, disturbing, or otherwise chasing game or wildlife.
Allegheny County SGW Douglas Bergman reports a Pittsburgh man pleaded guilty to charges of killing and possessing a protected deer. Thanks to an anonymous tip from a concerned sportsman, enough information was gathered to allow game wardens to find the person responsible.
Beaver County Game Warden Mike Yeck reports an Ohio resident pleaded guilty to multiple charges in the unlawful killing of a coyote. Information received through the Game Commission’s Operation Game Thief program stated that, while travelling through Pennsylvania, the subject observed a coyote in a foot-hold trap, retrieved his archery equipment from Ohio, then returned to dispatch the animal. The subject was charged with unlawful taking or killing of wildlife, trespass while hunting and disturbing a trap belonging to another person.
Beaver County SGW Matt Kramer reports he has received numerous reports of deer that seem to be on the small side or underweight. Deer are conditioned to eat browse at this time of year and will make it through the winter months by eating the ends off of woody vegetation and shrubs. As a reminder, it is not recommended to feed deer or other wildlife as it can lead to other health and disease issues.
Beaver County SGW Matt Kramer reports a Hopewell Township man was cited for unlawfully target shooting on state game lands. The man was shooting a paper target with some saplings as a backstop. The rounds were damaging the trees and the backstop was not sufficient to stop the rounds from going down range. As a side note, the wind chill was -20 degrees that day.
Fayette County SGW Brandon Bonin reports a local deer processor was recently found guilty of buying and selling game, and providing false statements to a game warden. Fines and costs exceeded $1,500, plus hunting license revocation. The processor was paying his employees with deer meat from deer that hunters were dropping off to be butchered. These violations were discovered during an investigation concerning the processor receiving an unlawfully taken deer
Fayette County SGW Brandon Bonin reports a Greensboro man has pleaded guilty to hunting without purchasing a hunting license and killing a deer unlawfully. Fines and costs were $1,880, plus hunting license revocation.
Fayette County SGW Brandon Bonin reports charges have been filed against two ATV riders for riding on State Game Lands 51. The offenders were caught while Bonin was conducting a foot patrol on the game lands. One ATV rider asked, “Why are you even down here walking…”
Fayette and Westmoreland counties SGW Andy Harvey reports a man was recently cited for shooting a white-tailed deer through the use of bait in his backyard. The individual had bird seed spread around the yard and a mineral block sitting on the ground. He was also charged with interfering with an investigation after he removed evidence from the scene.
Indiana County SGW Chris Reidmiller reports a recent investigation into a local deer processor resulted in several violations being discovered involving improperly tagged deer and failures to report harvests. Several individuals are being cited in the case. Warden Reidmiller would like to remind hunters that they have 10 days to report their harvest.
Somerset County SGW Brian Witherite reports that, despite the snowfall in the Laurel Highlands area, complaints of property abuse by ATV riders continue to be reported.
Somerset County SGW Brian Witherite reports trapping violations have been on the rise for failure to check traps and for bait visible from the air.
Somerset County SGW Brian Witherite would like to remind successful hunters who harvested big game to report their harvests to the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Successful hunters are legally required to report their deer and turkey harvests and this information helps make harvest estimates more accurate.
Westmoreland County SGW Bill Brehun reports the three individuals charged with unlawfully taking six antlerless deer in Derry Township face fines totaling $9,600, plus up to 28 years of hunting license revocation. The multiple charges against them were sparked by an anonymous tip.
Westmoreland County SGW Bill Brehun reports a Unity Township man was found guilty of the unlawful possession of a deer while trespassing on private property during the statewide rifle deer season. This incident was reported by a witness who observed the defendant stop along a public road before exiting his vehicle and firing multiple shots at deer standing in a cut cornfield. The witness watched the defendant get back in and drive down the road, turning onto another road before getting out and pursuing the deer he had just shot at previously. Game wardens arrived to find the defendant dragging an untagged antlerless deer from the field. The defendant faced fines totaling $500.
Westmoreland County SGW Bill Brehun reports a Unity Township man was found guilty at a summary hearing for negligently shooting and killing a protected antlered deer. The defendant tagged the deer and attempted to have it processed at a local deer processor. The deer processor would not accept the illegal deer.
Westmoreland County SGW Matthew Lucas reports an individual was found in possession of his used antlered deer tag and no other lawful harvest tag, while hunting deer during the opening day of the late flintlock muzzleloader season.
Westmoreland County SGW Matthew Lucas reports a decoy operation was set up in Sewickley Township in an area where multiple reports of road hunting had been received. Two individuals were stopped after they alighted from the vehicle and shot while leaning across the hood of the vehicle. They face minimum fines of over $800, plus court costs.