The Great Crossings Bridge, which generated national attention and attracted tens of thousands of tourists when it reappeared from the bottom of Yough Lake this fall, is once again history after submerging beneath the murky waters Friday.
After a severe drought this summer dropped the water ...
A severe drought this summer has turned the once mighty Yough Lake back into the Youghiogheny River, and in doing so has revealed a more than 200-year-old stone bridge that’s become a tourist attraction with tens of thousands of visitors flocking to see it in recent weeks.
The water level of ...
After the success of last year’s craft beverage passport program, which is estimated to have given a $2 million boost to the local economy, GO Laurel Highlands has launched Pour Tour 4.0. The new version of the program will include 52 beverage makers, including breweries, distilleries, ...