MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Every trick in the book was attempted. Every possibility was exhausted.
Yet WVU point guard Javon Small could not shake free Tuesday, as BYU came into the Coliseum and pulled out an entertaining 73-69 victory.
Entertaining to everyone but maybe Small and the ...
MORGANTOWN — It’s official, West Virginia has a big problem with Houston.
More to the point, the Mountaineers — much like everyone else in the country — haven’t solved the Cougars defense.
The sixth-ranked Cougars shined in that part of the game Wednesday night inside the ...
MORGANTOWN — Outside of having their paychecks signed by the same athletic director and their children attending the same high school, Mark Kellogg and Darian DeVries aren’t exactly attached at the hip.
If you ever wanted a sign that the two WVU head basketball coaches — DeVries with ...
MORGANTOWN -- Darian DeVries hulked up in front of the WVU bench, as the raw emotion poured out of him.
He begged the WVU Coliseum crowd of 11,522 for energy, by waving his arms repeatedly into the air.
Javon Small missed the show, with the WVU point guard saying after the Mountaineers’ ...
MORGANTOWN — Tucker DeVries had just spent two days of battling foot cramps, foul trouble and frustration.
The WVU guard somehow flushed all that adversity away Friday and simply dropped bombs on No. 24 Arizona.
He hit eight 3-pointers in all — some of them seemingly from Puerto Rico ...