Lucas stands on solid ground with latest ‘Star Wars’ flick
In the previous sci-fi epic, “Episode I: The Phantom Menace,” the “Star Wars” creator stumbled by directing a motion picture that seemed designed more to sell toys than to entertain the loyal fans. Although “Episode I” was commercially successful (grossing $431 million in just the U.S. and Canada), even Lucas’ most loyal supporters worried that their hero had lost his way.During its lethargic first half, “Episode II” desperately needs a caffeine rush, though the elements converge nicely during the latter portion. By the time the massive gladiator-arena scene arrives, most fans will certainly be able to forgive any awkwardly staged earlier sequences and might applaud as the Jedis unselfishly face the destructive dark side of the Force, one that Anakin Skywalker will fully embrace in “Episode III,” which will arrive in May, 2005.
Grade: B
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Ahmed Best, Temuera Morrison, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee and – as the voice of Yoda – Frank Oz; produced by Rick McCallum; screenplay by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales; directed by George Lucas.
Running Time: 148 minutes.
Parental Guide: PG rating (some strong violence).