Perryopolis news
Sept. 12, 2004 Birthdays celebrated
Today: Mona Johnson, Donald McCue and Joshua Potter; Monday: Tom Krukowsky, John Zundel and Mark White; Tuesday: John Joseph Roebuck and Paul Toth; Wednesday: John Vargo; Thursday: Jennifer Jellick, Shelly King and John E. Pollack; Thursday: Eddie Broadwater; Saturday: John Reho, Bonnie Lawrence and Jake Koltiska.
Anniversaries listed
Celebrating anniversaries this week are Kathleen Matty and George Adam on Monday and Joyce and Bruce Hawker on Wednesday.
Reminders listed
– The P.A.H.S. is looking for crafters for Pioneer Days. If you have a craft you would like to sell in October, the charge is $10 a day. Bring your own tent. Call Pam at 724-736-0166 to reserve your spot.
– Shiatsu Massage offered at 352 Circle St., Perryopolis, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings by appointment only. Call 724-872-5242.
– Sue Daniels Tai Chi / Reiki is offering Alternative Healing Energy sessions free in September. Sessions are done by appointment only. Tai Chi Classes are held Monday and Wednesday at 9 a.m. and again at 8 p.m. Tai Chi for Arthritis classes will start on Monday. These classes will be at 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. To register or for more information, contact Sue Daniels at 724-736-4076.
– The Christian Thrift Shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
– The Smock Historical Society Coal/Patch House museum is open every Saturday from June to October from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donation for the museum is $2. For reservations or group tours, call 724-677-2415.
– Cathi Thomas is starting a new chapter of the Red Hats Society in Vanderbilt. Anyone interested in joining should call 724-529-2279 and ask for Cathi.
– Quilts are needed for the annual Pioneer Days Quilt Show. Quilts can be handmade or machine made. For more information or an application, call Joan at 724-736-8080 or Shirley at 724-736- 8422. Applications can also be picked up at the Old State Bank Museum or Colonial Cleaners.
– St. Nicholas Byzantine Church has scheduled a spaghetti dinner in the church hall on Sunday, Sept. 26, from 3 to 6 p.m.; take-outs from 2 to 3 p.m., bring your own container. The dinner includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, Italian bread, dessert and beverage and costs $6 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. Tickets can be obtained from any member of St. Nicholas Church.
– The Perry Book Club meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Community Library. Book club dates and topics include: Sept. 27, “Back Before Dark” by Sharon Arms Doucet; Oct. 25, “Confinement” by Carrie Brown; and Nov. 22, “Five Quarters of the Orange” by Joanne Harris.
– The Red Hat Society’s monthly meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 20 at St. Nicholas Social Hall.
– Youth Basketball will hold their monthly meeting at the borough building on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Officers are needed to fill positions. All parents of youth basketball players are invited to attend.
– The Men’s Christian Breakfast will be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Sept 18, at the Perryopolis United Methodist Church.
– The Star Junction United Methodist Church will hold a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, Oct. 9. Carry-outs will be from 3 to 4 p.m. Eat-in will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Price is $6 for adults, $3 for ages 6 to 12 and children under 6 may eat free.
– Little Redstone Methodist will hold their annual bazaar, craft and flea market sale on Oct. 16.
– Perryopolis Methodist will have their annual apple pie sale on Saturday, Sept. 18. Cost of the pies is $8 each. See any member of the Israfil Class or call Doris Jean White to order.
– The annual roast beef dinner will be held at the Perryopolis Methodist Church on Oct. 23. Church members wishing to donate potatoes, beans, beets, cabbage, cake mixes or paper supplies should contact Doris Jean White.
– The Israfil class will hold another flea market on Saturday, Nov. 6. Anyone having items to donate should collect them and get ready for the sale.
– The PUMC will hold a Calendar Party at the Sons of Italy at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday.
– The 16th Annual Pioneer Days Parade will be held on Saturday, Oct. 2, at 11 a.m. Any groups, organizations or individuals that want to participate in the parade, should contact Rod Staggers at 724-736-0352
– The final Colonial encampment of the season before Pioneer Days will be Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the George Washington Grist Mill complex. Admittance is free and this is a fine opportunity to speak with living historians who demonstrate frontier life from 250 years ago. A children’s craft and/or game will be presented by an American Indian representative. Several other traditional arts will be displayed. The grist mill, bakery and distillery will be open to tour. Stop by and catch the last days of summer.
– A turkey dinner will be sponsored by the PAHS at the Son’s of Italy Hall on Sunday, Sept. 19 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Take-outs will be available. The cost will benefit the Heritage Society.
– A special thanks goes out to the community-at-large for supporting the Labor Day Weekend classic car show and band fest held in Sampey Park. This promises to become an annual event. Watch for details.
Girls win
Frazier Girls Volleyball Team went undefeated at the Franklin Regional Invitational Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 4. The team was awarded a plaque and T-shirts.
Train club proposed
Chuckie Lynch would like to know if there are enough people in Perryopolis to start a train club. Anyone interested in model trains may call Chuck.
Moose golf news listed
The individual eliminations are going along as they should be, but not without a lot of mumbling and muttering about the amount of sandbagging that is going on. It seems that the big guns, who were relying on their prowess as golfers would overcome the wannabees sandbaggers that were bent on toppling them. Alas, it was not to be. Most of them fell due to the amount of sand the wannabee’s were displaying. Case in point, the Golf Guru, along with, Bob Jarabeck, L. Provance, were playing behind a foursome consisting of Mark Baird, Ron Keffer, a guest named Scotty and Joe Wolfe. While waiting to tee off, they were heard to discuss the parentage of the ones that had eliminated them and exchanging unkind words with an also ran Bob Welling. Wishing to assuage their feelings, the Guru said, “there is always next year fellows.”
Turning their rage to the Guru, they accused him of being a Polly Anna, of dubious origin, starting WWII, and being, of all things, one of the sandbaggers. This continued through the whole round, and on the 18th hole, Ron Petrosky, a stalwart man known for his ability to calm troubled waters, told the Guru that due to the prevailing atmosphere on the course it would be prudent if he would leave the course as soon as possible and thus avert an unpleasant act. Thanking Ron for his astuteness, he made a hasty exit, hoping that next week things would be calmer and considering taking Ted Lytle as a bodyguard.