
Perryopolis news

By Ruth Shields Phone 724-736-2578, Cinder@dp.Net 5 min read

July 10, 2005 And Nedra and Raul Lopez

Phone 724-677-0660


Andrea Bartolomucci and Molly Sager celebrate birthdays today; Bernie Matway, Jim Blair, Jennifer (White) Ranker and Rosemary Fao Gill, Monday; Bev Campbell, Dorene Little and Jaymes Progar, Wednesday; Barb Ferguson, John Peccon, Sarah Farquhar and Tony A. Fao Jr. Thursday; Ryan Pato and Amy Brazzon, Friday; Shelley Greene, Saturday.


– Perryopolis Sons of Italy Lodge 730 is holding a spaghetti dinner at the Sons of Italy Thursday, from 3 to 6 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children. Take-outs are available; bring your own container.

– The Frazier Community Library is holding an informal scrap booking event each Thursday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 and continuing through Aug. 18. Come as you are able and as often as you like. Children 10 and up are welcome if accompanied by an adult.

– The Perryopolis Flower Club will celebrate their 50th anniversary (1955-2005) on July 20 at noon with a picnic at Sampey Park. All past and present members are invited to attend. RSVP before July 17 by calling either Lynn Murphy at 724-736-8476 or Kathie Uhar at 724-736-4091.

– Red Hat Society: “Carousel” at the Benedum July 28; $30 per person. Call Queen Connie if you wish to attend. Red Hat Hoot, Aug. 21 in the afternoon at St. Nick’s pavilion. The cost is $5 (for the rent of the pavilion) plus a covered dish.

– Sue Daniels is offering a beginner’s special for Tai Chi Chuan. Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise that improves balance, blood pressure and circulation. The class will meet weekly beginning on July 18, at 7:45 p.m. Classes are held at 352 Circle St., Perryopolis. Call Sue at 724-736-4076 for more information.

– Sue Daniels will do Reiki on second and fourth Fridays from noon until 4 p.m. This is a free community service, a healing method to help re-balance the body’s natural rhythm and energy flow. Call Sue Daniels at 724-736-4076.

– Frazier Class of 1980 will hold their 25-year class reunion on July 23 at the Perryopolis Sons of Italy. Members of the class of 1980 may contact Chris Vargo Muccioli at 724-736-4771 or at or Michelle Pauley Oldham at or by mail to Michelle at 1796 Grantham Drive,

Wellington, Fla., 33414.

– Frazier High School class of 1965 will hold its 40-year reunion Nov. 25 at the Holiday Inn at Belle Vernon (Route 51 and Interstate 70). Send addresses to Pam Komacko Anderson, P.O. Box 7, Star Junction, Pa. 15482. Call Pam at 724-736-0453 or Ruthie at 724-736-2001 and leave your name and address. Or e-mail Ruthie Hawker Shields at

– The Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department accepts reservations for the fire hall, which holds up to 300 people. For more information, contact Jim McGavitt at 724-736-0291 or e-mail

– The Smock Historical Society museum opens Saturdays until October from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Other days by appointment for group tours. Call 724-677-2415 for more information.

Auction/bake sale

The Little Redstone Presbyterian Church on Central School Road, Fayette City, is holding an auction and bake sale today at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcomed to attend. Refreshments will be available.

Actors wanted

Ron Potter, formerly of Perryopolis, is a photographer with a pet project and he’d like some help from us. Ron wants to produce a small film of Faith Willson and Jay Christopher’s play, “To Secure This Land.” Ron is in search of local folks, young and old, who would act in the film. This would be on a volunteer basis and there is no pay involved. Ron plans to include local history and film at other locations in the Fayette County area, including Perryopolis’ historic sites and Fort Necessity. Anyone interested in assisting in this project may call Ron Potter at 412-264-8096.

Hoagie sale

The members of the Frazier marching band will hold a hoagie sale to benefit the Frazier band in August. Orders are due Aug. 12 and will be delivered on Aug. 20. Band members are accepting orders. See the latest on Frazier’s band at

First Christian Church

– Vacation Bible School was a grand jungle adventure in discovering God’s love. Thirty-nine children enjoyed five nights of teaching, crafts, activities, fun and great snacks. A big thank you to Christina Sullivan who served as director. Her time, talent and energy motivated the entire VBS program. Christina’s assistant was Noelle Kearney. Teachers and helpers were Diana Greene, Lisa Hegyes, Megan Hegyes, Devon Hamilton, Judy Jaskiewicz, Henry Johns, Scott Kearney, Bonnie Lawrence, Staci Masneri, Joyce Nicholls, Pam Petrosky, Sawn Phillips, Abraham Sullivan and the Rev. John Matsko. The program ended Thursday evening with a musical performance by all the children.

– Christian Church anniversaries: Jeff and Cindy Phillips, July 1; Martha and Ray Smith, July 5; Susan and Steve Celaschi, July 29.

– Birthdays: Brett Brooks, July 2; Jacob Matush, July 3; Terrie Greene, Caitlyn Morgan, July 7; Jared Jaskiewicz, July 15; Norma Bordash, Dona Brazzon, July 20. Lou Krukowsky, July 22; Gustava Lawson, July 24; Steve Torruiso, July 25; Betty Sager, Abraham Sullivan, July 29; Adrienne Dzurko, July 30; and Janet Colebank, July 31.


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