
Brownsville Time Capsule

5 min read

By Glenn Tunney For the Herald-Standard

Brownsville Time Capsule looks back over the years through the archives of the Brownsville Telegraph.

25 Years Ago – July 1980

Too many people are loitering in Snowdon Square and littering in the nearby municipal parking lot. That complaint was heard at the monthly meeting of the Brownsville Borough Council, and council members want the police to increase their arrests in such matters.

“It’s terrible,” complained Councilman Harold R. Richardson. “It’s just like a dump.”

Mayor Paul Thomas Jr. responded, “I can’t have a policeman stand there and watch them, waiting for them to litter.”

Councilman Paul Strycula suggested that police put more emphasis in the area. “This is our trouble spot,” he said. “It’s been going on too long.” In the end, council directed police to step up their fight against litterbugs and loiterers.

Two records were set in last week’s annual Brownsville Distance Running Classic at the Brownsville-Luzerne Park, in which local runner Ray Lister of Brownsville placed second in the 50-and-over division. Malcolm East, a member of Great Britain’s 1976 Olympic team, won the men’s division in the record-breaking time of 24:18, while Susan Gaily of Pittsburgh won the women’s division with a new record time of 31:04. The director of the meet, Don Norman of Republic, presented awards.

45 Years Ago – July 1960

The proposed Cardale school, a 10-room elementary structure, came closer to reality last week when the state department of health approved the location of the building. The department had refused for months to approve the site because of sewage draining on the property.

John Caputo, supervising principal of Redstone Township schools, said a representative from the Uniontown architectural firm of Altman and Altman went to Harrisburg recently and showed final plans of the proposed building to officials. No date has been selected for construction to begin on the building. The Fayette County School Board and the Fayette County Planning and Zoning Commission have already approved the Cardale site.

The Fayette County Court has entered a decree dismissing exceptions to a temporary injunction against dissolution of the John A. Brashear School Jointure. The court then issued a final decree making the injunction permanent, assuring that the Brashear jointure will remain in operation this coming school year unless further legal action is taken. Luzerne Township and Brownsville Borough filed the exceptions to the decree, which wish to dissolve the jointure immediately. Representatives of Brownsville Township, West Brownsville Borough and the Brownsville Citizens Committee sought the injunction against dissolution of the jointure.

Fiddle’s Bar is under new management. The Water Street business is now owned by Brown Farrah and will serve complete meals, luncheons, sandwiches and your favorite beverages. Look for a grand opening soon.

Jimmy Lent blasted out four hits to lead East Millsboro to a 6-2 surprise triumph over Searight in the Pleasant Valley baseball league. Lent cracked a homer in the first inning and added three singles to complete a perfect day at the plate. Mike Roebuck and Melvin Ujchick also contributed offensively for the winners. Manager Frank Lent’s club now sports a record of 12-9.

60 Years Ago – July 1945

Resignations of two teachers were accepted and an assistant football coach and grade school teacher were elected at the July meeting of the Brownsville School Board. Resignations of Helen Piersol Troth, English teacher in the senior high school, and Patty Fitzgerald, science teacher in the junior high school, were accepted. Edwin Addis, junior high school basketball coach, was elected an assistant football coach. He will handle both jobs.

Lena Ryan Michaels, Brownsville, a teacher in the McKeesport schools last year, was elected to fill the only remaining vacancy on the elementary school staff. She will teach in the Prospect Street school. Classes in the Brownsville School District are scheduled to open on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1945 and close on Monday, June 3, 1946.

An organizational meeting for the committee on lighting of the Redstone Township High School athletic field was held recently with approximately 50 people in attendance. The committee voted to award the lighting contract to the Electrical Service Co. of Brownsville. Work on the erection of the lights at the athletic field will start in the near future with the work expected to be completed by the first week of September.

Wilbert Minerd, president of the school board, was in charge of the initial meeting. Guy Clark, supervising principal at South Union Township, was present and aided the group in forming plans for the new organization. Representatives were present from the Thomas Pendergast American Legion Post, Republic Fire Department, Redstone Boosters Club, Republic Rotary, Sons of Italy, Hopewell Grange and Redstone Township School Board.

Glenn Tunney may be contacted at 724-785-3201 or by writing to 6068 National Pike East, Grindstone, PA 15442. Comments may also be sent to Pete Skirchak, Brownsville Editor, Herald-Standard, Box 570, Brownsville, PA 15417, or emailed to begin end

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