
Future events

17 min read

local Flatwoods Productions will present the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The King and I” for four performances this Saturday and Sunday and Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 24-25. Saturday performances are at 8 p.m., and Sunday performances are matinees at 2 p.m. at Curfew Grange at the corner of Route 201 South and Buena Vista Road, Flatwoods. Tickets for adults and children are available at the door for all performances. There will be a dinner option on Sept. 24. Call 724-785-6896 for more details.

“Arsenic and Old Lace” will be presented Oct. 6-9 at the Geyer Performing Arts Center, formerly Scottdale Showtime Theater in Scottdale.

Alabaster Productions is seeking adults and children for fall Christian musical theater tours of “Cinderella” and “John the Baptist” for singers and technical staff. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-532-1575 or e-mail begin end


Auditions will be held for the staged radio production of the H.G. Wells’ classic “War of the Worlds” at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, in the Curfew Grange, Flatwoods. The building is located at the corner of Route 201 South and Buena Vista Road (across from the cemetery). Flatwoods Productions will present the show. Needed are 10 boys and men (ages 12 to 60) and nine girls and women (ages 12 to 60). The show will be a re-enactment of the famous Orson Wells’ broadcast that sparked panic in the 1940s. Since it is a radio show, the actors will hold their scripts. Several sound effects men/women will create the space ship landing with bottles and musical instruments, just as it was done so many years ago. Also needed are backstage workers/helpers. Interested people should stop by to fill out a form. No previous experience is necessary, and everyone is invited to audition. Anyone who is interested will be included in some capacity. The show will run Oct. 14-16. For more information, call 724-785-6896.The Greater Uniontown Chorale will hold rehearsals on Monday in the Swimmer Auditorium at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus. Rehearsals will begin at 7 p.m. Board chairman Richard McCoy and assistant director Roddy Hibbs will introduce the new director, Warren Shirer, a Connellsville resident. Shirer is affiliated with Point Park College, Stage Right Productions and the Scottdale Band. The chorale will be preparing for the performance of Handel’s “Messiah” as a part of the fall season program. All former members and anyone interested in joining are invited to the Monday rehearsal. Any information may be obtained by calling Richard McCoy at 724-437-6400.

The Clarks, a well-known Pittsburgh rock band, will perform Saturday, Nov. 12, at the State Theatre Center for the Arts in Uniontown. The band features Connellsville native Scott Blasey, the lead singer. The concert will benefit the Conn-Area Catholic School, 110 N. Prospect St., Connellsville. The school is in the process of selling ads that will be published in its souvenir program. For more information, contact John Coleman at 724-366-5225 or Kristin Baker at the school at 724-628-5090.Third Presbyterian Church in Uniontown will begin its “40 Days of Purpose” campaign with a kick-off dinner at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, at the church. The public is invited. This is a six-week spiritual growth campaign based on the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rich Warren. After the dinner, a video will be shown. Each person will receive a copy of the book and be able to sign up for one of the small groups that will meet weekly to discuss the book. The church is located at 425 Union St., Uniontown. For more information, call 724-438-2529.

FestiFall 2005 will be held Sunday, Sept. 25, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Friendship Hill Association and the National Park Service sponsor this annual celebration of the life and times of Albert Gallatin and the culture of the Allegheny Plateau. Included in the activities will be a program on “Muskets versus Rifles” and a visit from Silas Moore, the “Rat Catcher.” Period food, music and artisans will be offered throughout the day. For more information, call the park at 724-725-9190.

Noah’s Ark Humane Society will hold the following events. A Rabies Clinic will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the shelter. A spaghetti dinner will take place from noon to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1, at the Hopewell Church in Brownsville. There is a cost for adults and children. A Rabies Clinic will take place from 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the shelter. Tag Day will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Brownsville Foodland.

Smock Historical Society will present its Fall Craft Show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Smock Community Center. The event will feature handmade craft items only, food and baked goods. Door prizes will be given out. A small admission fee will be charged. To reserve a table at a cost or for more information, call Rita Kantorik at 724-677-2415.

A car show will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Dunbar Community Fest. Gas pump trophies, dash plaques and door prizes will be awarded. A DJ will play music. There is no cost to take part, and there will be plenty of food. Registration will begin at noon on fest day immediately after the parade at 10:30 a.m. For information, contact Elmo Saletrik at 724-437-5866 or Chuck Harvey at 724-277-8360.

Geezers’ Book Shop, now operating as 64 Crayons at Jozart Studios, has resumed Tuesday writing workshops from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at 333 Second St., California, located above the Dollar General store. Instead of concentrating on a single genre as in past years, the current group agreed that fiction, creative, non-fiction, poetry, plays, film scripts and songs may be presented for discussion. There is no charge for these sessions. For more information, call 724-938-9730 or e-mail

Dunbar Community Fest features a display of Dunbar memorabilia at the Dunbar Presbyterian Church social hall on Saturday, Sept. 24, beginning at 9 a.m. The Dunbar Historical Society will host the event. All proceeds benefit the historical society projects. Call 724-277-8448 for additional information or to have pictures added to the growing pictorial album collection.

New Salem’s first annual Community Day will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday Oct. 1. Residents will have a chance to sell yard sale items, appliances, crafts, antiques, unwanted clothing, favorite baked goods or foods and beverages from their yards or rent a space or table from the New Salem Fire Department. For rental information, call 245-2945 or 245-7116. For more information, call 245-0211 or 245-0245.

Perry Area Heritage Society Pioneer Days’ “kick-off dance” will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, at Sampey Park. The gates open at 5 p.m. There is a cost. Food and refreshments will be available. For more information, call Eldo and Shirley at 724-736-4078.

The Tara Foundation and Auxiliary will sponsor a bake sale and flea market Monday through Wednesday at the Tara Hospital at Brownsville. The bake sale will be held on Monday. For more information, call 724-785-1830.

Ohiopyle State Park management will once again co-sponsor a triathlon with the revenue benefiting the Ohiopyle-Stewart Volunteer Fire Department. The 11th annual triathlon will take place on Saturday, Sept. 27. The event includes eight miles biking on the bike trail, four miles paddling on the middle Yough and four miles running on the bike trail. Registration will take place from 8 to 10 a.m. at the fire hall. There is a cost for pre-registered participants and those registering on race day. Applications are available at the state park visitor center or by calling 724-329-0896.

The annual Buckwheat Supper will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the Ohiopyle-Stewart Volunteer Fire Department. The meal will include buckwheat cakes, pancakes, sausage, potatoes and applesauce.

Hoe-down square dancing, slow dancing, Polkas, waltzing, line dancing and clogging will take place on the following dates and times: 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, at the Arthurdale Center Hall in Arthurdale, W.Va. and 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday at the Ohiopyle Community Center. There is a donation for adults. Children 12 and under are admitted free. The Dave Dahl Trio will provide music and figure calling.

A quilting class will be offered by the Walnut Hill United Methodist Women. The class will run for six weeks, ending on Wednesday, Oct. 5. Sessions will last from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the church. The project will be a pillow or small wall hanging. There is no charge. To register, call 724-430-9210 or 724-439-4248.

Vette Together 2005 with the Laurel Valley Corvette Club will take place from 3 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, at Speedy Meedy’s on Route 119 across from the Fayette County Fairgrounds. Registration will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. Trophies, door prizes and a 50/50 drawing will be featured. The car and driver must be present to receive a trophy. Donations will be accepted.

“Angels for Alexandra” benefiting Alexandra Schaney’s cancer treatment fund, will begin at noon Sunday, Oct. 2, at the Herald-Standard Pavilion, located at the Woodland Zoo on Route 40, Farmington. There will be a car show, bike show, food and vendors. Featured bands include Tom Armstrong & ReLucKtanT Rednecks, Crazy Cowboy, Ruff Creek, Jaggerbush and Happy Ending. “King Fish” will serve as the master of ceremonies. For advanced tickets, call 724-438-7144. There is a cost for adults. Children under 12 will be admitted free. It will be held rain or shine. There are no refunds.

The Woodland Zoo/Herald-Standard Pavilion will present the following events: today, Mountaintop Revival with Christian rock band; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 23, “Live in Farmington,” surprise concert announcement; Sept. 24, Herald-Standard Jazz Festival; Oct. 2, country music benefit concert; Oct. 8-9, Octoberfest with German bands, food and beer; Oct. 21-23 Pumpkin Patch for kids; Oct. 21-22 and Oct. 28-29, Haunted Zoo; the month of December, Christmas lights.

Christian W. Klay Winery will present the following events: 6 p.m. Oct. 8, Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, including wine tasting, a buffet dinner and interactive murder mystery; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 25, annual Mountain Harvest Chili Cook-Off to benefit the State Theatre and the WVU College of Creative Arts.

Braddock Inn Car Cruise will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Braddock Inn Restaurant, Route 40 East, Farmington, with registration from noon to 2:30 p.m. There is a donation fee per vehicle. The event will feature D.J. Arnie Amber, door prizes, a 50/50 drawing and Chinese auction. Dash plaques will be available for the first 50 cars. Trophies will be awarded. Participants will vote for the winners. Food will be available at the restaurant. For information, call 724-785-3503.

Perryopolis Area Heritage Society is seeking vendors, crafters and demonstrators for Pioneer Days, which will be held on Oct. 1-2 at Sampey Park. Anyone who is interested is asked to contact Shirley Baldwin at 724-736-2955, Delores Fisher at 724-736-4303 or Dan Coldren at 724-326-8610. A quilt show will be held during the event. Call Amy Barber at 724-326-4946 to enter the quilt show. Those interested in joining the Perryopolis Area Heritage Society are asked to call Ginny Wingrove at 724-736-2769.

Uniontown’s 2005 Farmers’ Market, hosted by the Fayette Progress Council, will take place every Saturday through Oct. 1 in the parking lot at 8 E. Main St. across from the State Theatre Center for the Arts, beginning at 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Items for sale include locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, baked goods, crafts, candles and furniture. Entertainment will be provided along with lunch vendors. For more information, call 724-437-1750.

Cal U’s Manderino Library Book Club will hold a reading session Tuesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. or 7 to 8:30 p.m. with discussion leader Alan James, dean of student development, on Juan Williams’ book “Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary.”The Smock Historical Society announces that its museum is open now through Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays or by special appointment. The museum portrays life in a Pennsylvania coal “patch” during the coal and coke era. It is one of the area’s finest examples of the life of the coal and coke worker and their families during this time period. For more information, call Richard Kantorik at 724-677-2415.


West Virginia Public Theatre will hold auditions for “Seussical” on Sunday, Sept. 25. Auditions for the general public will be held at WVU’s College of Creative Arts in the Falbo Theatre from noon to 4 p.m. with dance callbacks from 4 to 5 p.m. Adult and children performers are encouraged to audition. Call Bonnie Eisiminger at 304-391-4117 to schedule an appointment or email begin end

. Those auditioning are asked to prepare 16 bars of an upbeat tempo or ballad and come prepared for a short dance audition. They will need to bring sheet music, a headshot and resume. Those auditioning will also need ballet, jazz and tap shoes for the dance callback. Performance for “Seussical” will be Dec. 16-22 in the Lyell B. Clay Concert Theatre at the WVU’s Creative Arts Center.

Pittsburgh CLO’s “Forever Plaid” enters its last 10 weeks of performances, completing its year-long run at the Cabaret at Theatre Square on Oct. 30. Tickets are on sale now for performances through September. Labor Day specials will be offered this weekend. Senior matinees will be offered on select Thursdays. Tickets are available online at

, by calling 412-456-6666 or at the Box Office at Theater Square.The Arts of China featuring painting, calligraphy, traditional Chinese opera, folk music and dance, will be held at the Loe China Studies Center at St. Vincent College on Friday, Sept. 23. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. Lunch follows at 12:30 p.m. There is a fee for the luncheon, and registration is requested. For information, contact Eva Kunkel, assistant to the dean of the McKenna School, at 724-537-4597 or begin end


The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Ligonier Valley announces the Lingenfelter Collection of Native American Art exhibition. The exhibition features 42 works in a variety of media culled from the 150-plus-piece collection of C. Wesley and Shirley Lingenfelter. The exhibit will be open at the museum through Oct. 23. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the museum at 724-238-6015. The museum is located at One Boucher Lane and Route 711 South in Ligonier.The Scottdale Choral Society will begin its 2005-06 concert season with the first rehearsal scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Christ United Methodist Church in Scottdale. Under the direction of Dwight Brown and accompanied by Sue Booker, the society will begin to prepare music for the upcoming Christmas season. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Brown or any Scottdale Choral Society member.

Pittsburgh CLO will hold auditions for 2005 Mini Stars, ages 10 to 16 years of age, on Sept. 23 at the Pittsburgh CLO Academy of Musical Theater, Penn Avenue Place, 130 CLO Academy Way, 8th Floor, Pittsburgh. To schedule an audition time, call 412-218-2234.

River County Fire Fest will be presented on Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Dravosburg Ball Field along Route 837, about five miles from Kennywood Park. The event is sponsored by the Carroll Township, Dravosburg & RHC Glassport No. 2 volunteer fire departments. The event will star Mark Wills with special guests Emerson Drive and Midnite Run. Gates will open at 1 p.m., and the bands will start playing at 3 p.m. Proceeds will benefit Hurrican Katrina victims. Tickets are available at, Giant Eagle or Kaufmans. For more information, call 412-323-1919.Run Wild at the Pittsburgh Zoo in the ZooZilla 5K Run/Walk, on Sunday, Oct.2. Start time is at 8 a.m. in the Zoo’s main parking lot with registration beginning at 7 a.m. There is a registration fee for each person. Participants must be age 12 years or older. For information, call 412-696-0150.

St. Vincent College Threshold series will present a lecture by H.J. Fischer, veteran Vatican journalist at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, in the Robert S. Carey Student Center Performing Arts Center. Fisher is the author of the definitive biography, “Pope Benedict XVI: A Personal Portrait.” Admission is free, but all seats in the Performing Arts Center are reserved and admission will be by ticket only. Requests for reservations may be made by phone or email. Call 724-537-4556 between 1 and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday or by email at begin end


The 11th annual Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Christmas Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 21-23 and Oct. 29-30 at the Washington County Fairgrounds on North Main Street, Washington. The event will feature more than 220 arts, crafts and food booths. All displays are indors in six heated building. Holiday music, holiday foods, Santa Claus for the kids and trolley rides will be featured. Free on-site parking will be provided. The event will be held rain, slow, sleet or shine. An admission fee will be charged. For more information, call 724-863-4377.

Flenniken Public Library, 102 E. George St., Carmichaels, will offer preschool story hour every Tuesday, beginning Sept. 27 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Teddy bears will be featured the first week. The library is also offering after-school tutoring for students in kindergarten through high school. The program is run by a state-certified teacher. Sessions are customized to fit each child’s learning style. For more information, call 724-966-5263.

Fall Rummage Sale and Flea Market at Arthurdale Heritage Inc. will take place from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 7-8, in Arthurdale, W.Va. Interested parties can reserve a spot to sell at a small cost. AHI does not provide tables or chairs. AHI will hold a rummage sale in the Arthurdale Center Hall both days. Concessions will be sold. Donations will be accepted for the sale, beginning Oct. 3. All proceeds benefit Arthurdale Heritage Inc. For information or to drop off donations, call AHI at 304-864-3959.

Ballroom Dance Classes will take place at 7 p.m. at the Arthurdale Center Hall in Arthurdale, W.Va., every Thursday. Al Gouldin will be the instructor. There is a registration for each couple and singles. For information, call 304-864-3959.

Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival will be held this weekend and Sept 24-25, Saturdays and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the gate. Discount offers are available from participating Eckerd, Subway and Eat ‘n Park locations. Giant Eagle Advantage cardholders will receive a discount at the gate. The festival is located at Exit 51A (Route 31 East) off Interstate 70, six miles west of New Stanton and only 40 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. Visit the Web site at

Bill Cosby will appear at the West Virginia University Creative Arts Center from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23. Tickets are on sale at the Mountainlair Box Office,

and all Ticketmaster outlets. Group discounts are available by calling 304-293-SHOW.

The Monongahela River Buffs are devoted to the transportation history of the Monongahela River. Their museum, located at 175 Second St., Monongahela, exhibits artifacts, models and memorabilia, which trace local history through the flatboat/keelboat age in the early 19th century to the steamboat era in the mid-19th century and today’s diesel towboat age. The hours are 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday and 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday. For information, contact Dr. J.K. Folmar at 724-938-7856, George Hutchko at 724-258-6231 or Bill Goettel at 724-258-8808.

Tour the Washington Street Historic District in Cumberland, Md., by bus with a costumed narrator. The street displays offer interesting architecture and gardens. Discover the history, the architecture and the interesting people who built the homes. The Rooftops and Rumor Tour is offered Sept. 24 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Those participating can board the bus at the Western Maryland Station. It includes the street tour and a tour of either the F. Brooke Whiting Museum of Art or the Gordon-Roberts House Museum. Advance ticket purchase is recommended due to limited searing. For information or ticket prices, contact the Allegany County Historic Society at 301-777-8678.


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