Ask the Coach
Help Americans more Hey, Coach! I don’t understand why our government gives so much money away to other countries when we have so much poverty here in America.
We are sending billions of dollars to help build Iraq, not to mention losing lives.
We need better buildings and things right here at home. We have learned in school that we send millions of dollars to Africa to help feed their poor. I don’t understand why, when we have so many of our own that are starving.
There was a tsunami and an earthquake in Asia, and we sent them a lot of money, too.
Why wasn’t that money saved and given to our own people who dealt with a tragic hurricane?
Our people needed the money to help get their lives together. This isn’t right.
My mom tells me maybe I will understand more as I get older. I am only 17. My uncle says that maybe I could get some answers by Asking the Coach.
So, please explain this to me ’cause I just do not understand. Thank you.
Signed….Love the USA
Dear Love the USA: It would appear that you are not afraid to delve into deep thought, and the Coach really likes that.
You offer some very valid points. Many other Americans probably have the same question, so you’re not on an island by yourself.
For one of the few times in over three years, the Coach is completely stumped by a question. Imagine that!
Sometimes, things don’t make sense (cents), and sometimes there may not be an answer that we understand.
We are looked upon by most nations as being “the world leader” and we do indeed offer compassion around the globe.
With some of your examples, however, it must be pointed out that some money sent overseas does not come from our government.
Some service organizations raise many millions from the generosity of citizens just like you. But you are correct that we give billions of dollars to the less fortunate elsewhere, while we have desperate needs all around us.
Why do we do that? Again, the Coach has no answer. If your question was posed to our highest leaders, it would not be surprising to see them dance around in camouflage, if you follow.
Thanks for a great question, and keep getting into deep thought, from time-to-time.
Tour de France
Hey, Coach! I was glad to see that an American won the Tour de France again.
Amazingly, Floyd Landis did it with a bad hip that is said to need completely replaced.
My question is, “Why isn’t there a Tour de France for women?” I hope that’s not a bad question to ask.
Signed…..Lance Armstrong
Dear Lance: The Coach finds nothing bad about it.
In fact, the Coach is very intrigued by your question. It’s 2006, and we have no Tour de France for women?
Unfortunately, the Coach is having a tough week because he does not have an answer for you, either.
The Coach recalls answering a tour question last summer and wrote that this 2,000-plusmile race may be the most grueling event in all of sports.
Could that have anything to do with why there is no women’s race? The Coach would certainly hope not because we have some great female athletes around the world who would probably love this challenge.
Is it possible that there is one, and we just don’t know about it? Didn’t think so.
Again, great question.
Coach’s Comment: Let your hook always be cast, because in the pool where you least expect it, there will sometimes be fish.
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