Domestic relations warrants
The following are listed by the Fayette County Domestic Relations office as being delinquent on child support obligations or having missed a support hearing as of Wednesday:
Robert L. Murphy, 27, of Connellsville
Donald E. Murray, 29, of Brownsville
Terry P. Myers, 37, of Uniontown
John O. Ohler Jr., 45, of McClellandtown
John R. Pickels Jr., 36, of Brownsville
Kai Redshaw, 42, of Uniontown
Donald E. Ritenour III, 27, of Uniontown
Duane A. Royster, 42, of Uniontown
Jesse K. Sanders, 30, of Mill Run
David E. Sanner, 30, of Connellsville
Nicholas A. Sethman, 31, of Perryopolis
John J. Soltis III, 45, of Connellsville
John E. Swank III, 28, of Connellsville
Daniel R. Switch, 24, of McClellandtown
Benjamin C. Thorn, 42, of Connellsville
Jonathan Torok, 34, of Allison