Police reports 8-26-14
Warrant served
State police said Nathan Tasker, 27, of Dilliner was picked up on a warrant out of Washington County on Thursday on Havers Hill Road in Greene County. Police said Tasker was taken to Washington County on the warrant.
Crash reported
State police said no one was injured when vehicles driven by Susano Garcia of Texas and Thomas Kerns of Fairmont, W.Va., collided Saturday on Route 19 in Greene County. Police said Garcia, 36, was charged with driving under the influence.
Copper wire stolen
KSW Oilfield Rental reported that copper wire was stolen Thursday from their site in Greene County, state police said.
Woman charged
Southwest Regional Police said Amber Marie Britt, 22, of Newell was charged with simple assault and harassment after an incident July 5 on Morgan Street involving a 30-year-old man, name not provided.