Word from the Web 12-23-14
In response to: Got venison? Cooking deer demanding but versatile published on Dec. 7, 2014
“Most people don’t know that chuck of meat up under the spine, is the most tender and juicy deer meat. Oldtimers called it the preacher’s meat, and most butchers don’t give this to you when cutting up your deer. Always cut your deer steaks or chops thin, so they are like 3 minute steaks. That way the meat retains the flavor and is juicy, not dry. When pan frying a black wrought iron skillet works the best, meat tastes better then cooking them in the newer type skillets. An old man told me this and I didn’t believe him, until he showed me the difference in taste.”
In response to: Students learn about journalism published on Dec. 11, 2014
“I really hope my daughter could become a journalist as well. It’s rather sad that today journalism is usually a way of influencing people’s mind and protruding someone’s opinion upon us. I really hope new generation can make a difference. Some students use easy essay writer to come up with articles of their own, others evaluate everyday events. You can improve your writing by any means as long as you write what you truly feel. Moreover, it makes me happy that there are so many students willing to become journalists.”
In response to: Experts fine tune bows for on-target deer encounters published on Oct. 12, 2014
“Kevin has always been a dedicated soul whether it is regarding a bow or life. He is passionate about both.”
In response to: Teaching assistants provide support for large classrooms published on Dec. 14, 2014
“I hear that parents complain about the size if the class very often. I understand their worries and it is evident that the less people in the classroom the better. However, it is not everything and a small class is not usually the key to success. Parents shouldn’t forget that their children also need additional attention at home and it is not enough to find essay writing services for writing perfect papers. We have to talk to our kids, support them and use every moment for their harmonious development.”