Remember when?

Shown above is the Hopwood team which won the 1982 Fayette County regular season title and playoff championship. Shown seated (from left to right) are Tony Hanula, Joe Cernelli, Bobby McBride, Scott Anderson and Ed Pollock. Kneeling (from left) are Greg Kennedy, Dave Dufala, Duane Reckard, John Liscelli and Tim Anderson. Standing (from left) are coach Bob McBride, Jeff Lucas, Joe Kline, Matt Ferris, Mark Cooley, Terry Muholland, Ken Locke and Jack Anderson, manager. The photo was submitted by Jack Anderson. Anyone wishing to submit a “Remember when?” photo can do so by sending it to the Herald-Standard c/o Mark O’Keefe, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, Pa., 15401, or by email to Background information for the caption must be included.