Hollywood liberals abandon Israel
Once again Israel is being forced to defend itself from the terrorists who run Gaza.
Once again Israel has had to drop bombs and send tanks and ground troops into Gaza to blow up tunnels and destroy the missile sites Hamas has been using to rain hundreds of rockets down on Israel’s farms and cities.
And once again the Jews of Hollywood are silent.
Where are Spielberg, Streisand and David Geffen? Why haven’t these famous liberal consciences of Hollywood stood up to show their support for Israel against the terroristic attacks of Hamas?
The producers, directors, actors and studio moguls of Tinseltown are always quick to voice their political support for their candidates and pet causes.
Stop the pipeline! Outlaw fracking! Save the whales, the polar bears and the three-toed beach mouse! God forbid anyone in Hollywood utter the words “Save Israel!”
Hollywood holds a fund-raiser every night for some needy group or moral crusade, but they are conspicuously silent when it comes to supporting Israel.
By being so silent, Hollywood’s power people end up looking like they’re pro-Hamas.
Could they really believe the death and destruction going on in Gaza right now is Israel’s fault?
Even the dumbest actor in this town knows that the bad guy in that bloody reality show is Hamas.
And there’s not an honest politician, actor or liberal in the world who doesn’t know that Hamas uses innocent Palestinian women and children as shields — and then exploits their deaths in the media for political advantage.
The saddest part is that the media and the rest of the world believe Hamas’ BS.
Hamas is a terrorist organization and it behaves that way. The president knows it. Everyone knows it.
It’s the Israeli’s who are trying to save lives. That’s why they warn innocent Palestinians to get out of the way of their bombs.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has called on the international community to take a “clear stand” and hold Hamas accountable for “starting and prolonging this conflict.”
I’m asking the Hollywood community to do the same, but I’m not holding my breath. The conservatives in La-La Land are afraid to speak out for Israel because their careers could be hurt and the liberals won’t say anything because, well, because they are liberals.
The only Jewish person standing up for Israel in this part of California was Max Steinberg, the 24-year-old American citizen from L.A. who went to Israel, fell in love with the country, joined the Israeli Defense Forces and became a sharpshooter.
Steinberg was only 5-foot-3, but when he was serving in the army in Israel he earned nicknames such as “Mighty Max” and “Little Dynamo.”
On Sunday in Gaza he was one of the 13 Israeli soldiers killed in a fire fight with Hamas.
Steinberg was a hero, the stuff of movies, who volunteered for a combat unit.
He died standing up for Israel. You won’t find Spielberg, Streisand and Geffen doing that — and no one is shooting bullets at them.
After 9/11 President G.W. Bush said if you’re not with us in our fight against the terrorists, you’re against us.
As far as I can tell, Hollywood and its most prominent Jews — by their silence — are against Israel.
Copyright ©2014 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email service reagan.com and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan.com. Send comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.