

Lafayette Middle School announces honor roll

The following students were named to the honor roll at Lafayette Middle School for the second nine weeks of the 2024-25 school year. Grade 6 Highest honors: Jumbalya Anderson, Ahnisty Black, Landon Tucker, Kimberley Jordan, Leana Rush, Ki'Loni Sublett, Cashius Winfrey, Chaeonna Thorpe, ...

Former executive sentenced to jail for stealing nearly $50K from blind nonprofit

Judge Nancy D. Vernon asked those representing the Fayette County Association for the Blind in court on Monday if they preferred the man who stole $47,949.21 from the nonprofit pay restitution or go to jail. “We want to be paid back for everything he took from us,” said Lawrence Kiefer, ...

Herald-Standard Daily News Update

This daily email features the latest news for Uniontown, Pennsylvania.


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BYU stifles Small, defeats WVU, 73-49

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Every trick in the book was attempted. Every possibility was exhausted. Yet WVU point guard Javon Small could not shake free Tuesday, as BYU came into the Coliseum and pulled out an entertaining 73-69 victory. Entertaining to everyone but maybe Small and the ...

H-S Athlete of the week: Eleanor Carei, Uniontown

Name: Eleanor Carei School: Uniontown Class: Freshman Sport: Diving Carei’s week: The Lady Red Raider broke a 15-year-old school record for six dives with a score of 218.30 in Uniontown’s 83-59 victory over cross-town rival Laurel Highlands last Thursday in Section 5-2A play. Jozie ...

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Thomas wins latest MMA bout; readies for pro debut

Karli Jo Thomas took time out training the Waynesburg University women’s wrestling team to knock off an undefeated fighter on Feb. 1 at 247 FC - Brawl in the Burgh 26 at Murrysville’s SportZone. The event, which was promoted by 247 Fighting Championships, was originally intended to be ...


Property Transfers



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Skylarking with Donald Trump and buds

If you're looking for hijinks, both low and high, then you're in for a treat the next four years. This much is clear after just a week of Donald Trump's second White House tour. Aides to President Trump promised an opening administration salvo that would "shock and awe." While I'm not sure ...



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  • Uniontown, PA 15401
  • Phone: 724-439-7500