
Health Briefs 11-17-14

6 min read


n Yoga at the Carnegie Free Library of Connellsville, 9-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; 101 Yoga for Beginners 10:30-11:45 a.m. Wednesdays, six week class is $50, information or 724-626-1114; 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, classes are $10 per person or a package of three classes for $25; and 10:15-11:45 a.m. Saturday, classes are by donation which benefits the library, suggested donation $5. Information: 724-626-1114.

n Managing Your Diabetes, 6-9 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. This is a diabetes self-management class that focuses on counting carbohydrate intake. Topics range from how to measure the upward drive each meal has on blood sugar to information on the glycemic index. Registration required: 724-258-1483.

n Childbirth preparation class, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday and Nov. 26, Mon-Vale HealthPLEX. Topics include the role of a labor coach, signs of labor, pain medication options, vaginal and caesarian deliveries and comfort measures including breathing and relaxation skills. Registration: 724-258-BABY ext. 9.

n Public first-aid instruction, 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. Adult first aid classes are offered by Monongahela Valley Hospital in conjunction with Valley Health and Safety Training Center (VHSTC). The $30 fee is payable to VHSTC and registration is required: 724-684-9536.

n Breastfeeding class, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Nov. 24, Mon-Vale HealthPLEX. The free class is designed for mothers who plan to breastfeed to help them feel more comfortable and confident while in the hospital after delivery and when returning home. Partners and grandmothers are welcome and encouraged to attend. Information: 724-258-BABY ext. 9.

n Adult CPR instruction, 6-9 p.m. Nov. 25, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. Adult CPR classes are offered by Monongahela Valley Hospital in conjunction with Valley Health and Safety Training Center (VHSTC). The $40 fee is payable to VHSTC and registration is required: 724-684-9536.

n Advanced Carbohydrate Counting, 9-11 a.m. Nov. 26, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. This session builds on the education received in the “Managing Your Diabetes” program. Learn more about food choices, dining out and how personal eating habits affect blood glucose control. Registration required: 724-258-1483.

Support groups

n Cancer support group, 2 p.m. Monday, 7-East Family Room, Monongahela Valley Hospital. This support group is free and open to all cancer patients and their families. Information: 724-258-1704.

n Caring Corner Grief Support Program for families and children, 6-8 p.m. every Monday, East End United Community Center, Uniontown. Information: 724-437-1660.

n Survivors of Incest Anonymous meeting, 6:30-8 p.m. every Monday, Mount St. Macrina Retreat Center, Uniontown. The group is a 12-step recovery program for women and men older than 18 who were sexually abused by a trusted person as a child. Information: or

n Silver Generation Support Program, 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday, East End United Community Center. The program is for adults ages 55 and older. Information: 724-437-1660.

n Al-Anon Family Groups, 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Trinity Church basement, Fayette and Morgantown streets, Uniontown and 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Christian Church, Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville. These meetings are for anyone who has been affected by or is having problems from someone else’s drinking. Information: or

n Stroke support group, 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. The group is designed for patients and caregivers to share, learn and grow with people who can personally relate to the daily challenges and struggles they face dealing with strokes and the after-effects. Information: 724-258-1455.

n Ostomy support group, 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center, Monongahela Valley Hospital. This group is free and open to all persons with ostomies and their families and friends. Information: 724-258-1773.

n Stroke support group, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Thelma Sandy Conference Room, main floor, Uniontown Hospital. Stroke survivors, caregivers, loved ones and anyone interested in learning more about stroke are invited. Monthly meetings will include a guest speaker, blood pressure readings, medication review and any other information requested. Information: 724-430-5212.

n Parkinson support group, 2-4 p.m. Nov. 25, Abundant Life Church, 1239 Brownfield Road, Uniontown. Anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, their family members, friends and caregivers are invited to attend.

n Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA has a support group for women who have been or who currently are in abusive relationships. It is a confidential, low-pressure, safe place. Information: 724-223-9190 or 800-791-4000 in Washington, 724-852-2463 in Greene or 724-439-9500 in Fayette.

n Crime Victims’ Center of Fayette County provides quality services for all victims and families of sexual assault and other violent crimes. Most services are free, and all services are strictly confidential. The center is now accepting volunteer applications. Information: 724-438-1470 Crisis Hotline: 724-437-3737.

Community events

n Flu vaccinations are now available at all Giant Food Stores and Martin’s Food Markets in-store pharmacies. No appointments are needed and vaccinations are provided any time the pharmacy is open. The cost for the stand flu shot is $35 and most major insurance plans along with Medicare are accepted. Customers with Giant/Martin’s prescription savings card will receive $10 off their flu shot. For information to schedule an on-site flu clinic at an office: 877-439-1311.

n Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment Period (AEP) is from Oct. 15-Dec. 7.Enrollment events and centers are scheduled to assist individuals with comparisons of various insurance options. The events are one-time; the centers are ongoing until the end of the election period. To make an appointment at one of the enrollment centers: Fayette County, Southwestern Pa Area Agency on Aging 724-430-4603 or Youghiogheny Western Baptist Association 724-430-4603; Greene County, Community Action Southwest 724-852-2893, ext. 541; Washington County, Washington Area Senior Center 724-228-7080; and Mon Valley Area, Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 724-489-8080 or 1-888-300-2704, ext. 4488. Applicants must bring pertinent insurance cards, including the Medicare (red, white and blue) card, the zip code of their pharmacy and a list of their prescriptions, including the dosage and frequency taken.

n Military and Veteran Suicide Prevention Program, 2-4 p.m. Monday, California University of Pennsylvania, Eberly Hall, Room 110. Presenters will be Capt. Robert Prah, Capt. Carolyn Clements and Jason Brosk. The suicide prevention program is free and open to the public. Visitor parking is available in the Vulcan garage, off Third Street near the campus entrance.


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