
What do you and what do I deserve?

4 min read

Scripture reading: Matthew 20:1-15. Text: “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor especially those who labor in preaching and teaching; for the scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle an ox, when it is treading out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages.'” 1 Timothy 5:17-18.

There are concepts in our lives which are continually in our mind yet we hardly mention them. One of these ideas is TO DESERVE. I am sure, at times, you too have felt that you deserved at least an acknowledgment, appreciation, praise, just a small gift, or monetary reward and somehow nothing happened. Or on the other hand, you did not deserve that harsh criticism, blame, or chastisement you received. May we try to approach this issue as objectively and logically as possible seeking help from the Bible?


Please study our Scripture reading from which we learn about the very sensitive topic of “who deserves what?” The laborers hired at different times of the day to work in a vineyard did not spend the same time tilling the ground and pruning the grapes yet each received an equal amount of wages. The same Jesus who presented this parable at another place said: “‘. . . for the laborer deserves his wages. . .'” Luke 10:7.

Please be careful which translation you read because there are variations. In the King James Version the expression used by the translators was: “WORTHY OF…” but in the Revised Standard Version and other modern translations the word “DESERVE” is preferred. The original Greek word and concept is one is worthy of, merits, and earns.


Please analyze, evaluate, and substantiate these cases from both viewpoints

– when you were an “insider” that is when you were involved, and

– when you were an “outsider” that is you were not affected:

1. Is not it true that we are more eager and quicker to determine who deserves CORRECTION and PUNISHMENT than we determine who deserves APPRECIATION and REWARD?

2. When we intend to REPRIMAND or PUNISH a person we wish to do it because he/she did something WRONG or because he/she did something what we DID NOT LIKE? Has everyone agreed with you and liked what you were doing and saying all of the time?

3. The shortest line consists of those who are willing to admit that they are overpaid. Most people can justify why he/she DESERVES MORE! On what basis can people claim that they should be better paid?Consider should one’s salary be based on:

– talent, gift, intelligence – Nobel Prize winners, scholars, leaders,

– education, training – physician, professors, scientists,

– responsibility – surgeons, pilots, (school) bus drivers,

– skills, physical aptitude – who can kick, throw, hit, run with the ball

– charisma, appearance – actors, actresses, beauty pageant winners.

– achievement – how much more, and how much sooner and better was the job done?

If a person possesses not one but more of these criteria, (consider the neurosurgeon who has to study many years, possesses dexterity, is responsible for the patient’s life and well-being, is under constant stress, and is hard to replace), what does he/she deserve for helping and practicing medicine?

4. Should also faithfulness, honesty, diligence, and kindness be rewarded?

5. Why are only INDIVIDUALS evaluated and deemed to be paid well? Can a GROUP earn acknowledgment and merit financial reward? For example, think of the workers in an electric power plant? What would we do without electricity? When there is a power failure then we really know how useful and important electricity is! Where team work is needed can only the boss, the leader, the department head, and the manager alone receive praise and reward? Does only one player on the football team win the game?

6. When we think that somebody “DESERVES” PUNISHMENT; are we willing to seek other people’s opinion? Are we ready to take the mitigating circumstances into consideration? Should the punishment be a DETERRENT or CORRECTIVE?

What do you think? As God sees you, what do you deserve and according to you, what does God deserve? “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God – not because of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9.


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