Molly Roberts Applause

Molly Roberts
Carmichaels Area Women’s Civic Club named Molly Roberts of Rices Landing its October girl of the month.
A daughter of Georgie Stotka and Dustin Roberts, she is a senior at Carmichaels Area Junior/Senior High School. Roberts plans to attend West Virginia University where she will earn an undergraduate degree in premed before continuing to medical school for neurology, specializing in neuromuscular dystrophy.
At school, she is involved in the National Honor Society, captain of the basketball team, chorus, ladies ensemble, a section leader in band, Students Against Destructive Decisions, senior student council, senior student standing committee, ski club, EMT, drama club and student tutoring.
Outside of school, Mitchell is involved in musical theater at the Center of Performing Arts, summer league basketball, National Society of High School Scholars and volunteer work at Lala’s Daycare and Advanced Personnel Care Home.