Walking by Faith: Julia Bausman
Q. When did you first come to Waynesburg and what led you here?
A. I taught elementary education as well as special education for many years, but about 10 years ago, I decided I wanted to continue my career at a Christian university. I spent time praying about this and knew it would be a big change for myself as well as my husband.
I felt that it was my calling in life to teach higher education, so I then started working on my doctoral degree. Once completed, I started searching for jobs only at Christian universities. I moved here the summer of 2011 and started at the university in September of that year. This is my fourth year at Waynesburg, and I really enjoy watching my students grow and mature.
Q. In what ways do you demonstrate your faith in your position at Waynesburg?
A. Every week in class, I share scriptures that are meaningful to me or related to something we are going to discuss in class. I really enjoy that I can share my faith with my students here. I have also taken time out of class to pray for needs that come up in class or discussions.
Last year, I had the privilege of leading the first Education Department mission trip to the Bahamas. It was really a joy to see our students use skills that they learned here in class.
I also enjoyed seeing them interact with the children and share the joy in their lives with others.
Q. Have any specific moments, whether in interacting with a student or a fellow faculty member, touched you spiritually or affirmed your faith?
A. I had a conversation with a student a few years ago. She was graduating and had to make a decision about a job and changes in her life. She talked about her belief in seeking God’s will in her life to help her make important decisions. I could relate to this very well, and it was very uplifting to hear her talk about her life in those terms. I have attended a faculty bible study, as well as Chapel services. Through these activities, I have enjoyed getting to know other faculty, staff and students in that way and share the common bond we have in Christ.
Q. Do you feel that you are where God wants you to be?
A. Definitely. Everything that happened during our move down here and everything since we have been here has been an affirmation that this is where God was leading us. It was a giant step of faith to leave a secure position for both my husband and I and come to Waynesburg.