Veteran outreach coming to county to help claim processes
The result of the deal between the American Legion Veterans office and Snyder is an outreach service, provided by the legion service specialists, every fourth Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Snyder’s constituent-service office in downtown Carmichaels.
The monthly program began last week on Thursday, March 26. Snyder said the key thing for the program is that it is free and membership with the legion is not required.
“This service is for any veteran that needs assistance,” said Snyder. “There is no registration required. Veterans and their families can just walk in and the representative will help them with the benefit claims.”
The specialist from the legion will be able to explain what benefits the veterans are entitled to and counsel them on how to best use the benefits by assisting them with applying for benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The representative will also be able to help veterans file appeals on existing claims and assist some in enrolling into the health care system provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
“A lot of times when a veteran files a claim, whether it’s for their pension or a service connected to civility or something else, it has to go through a bureaucratic claim,” said Snyder. “So this service will allow veterans to get help in that process. Having worked for a congressman for eight years, I understand the veterans’ process very well, so I know how invaluable this service can be for them.”
The county also has an office, and they can help to start a claim; but once the process is started, Snyder said, it is always helpful knowing the representatives are available in Pittsburgh to help them through the entire process as well.
“Any veteran who has served and has any question about anything he or she is entitled to or anything he or she needs help with, they should take the opportunity to visit my office when the representative is there to get the help in what is a lengthy process,” said Snyder.
Specialists and veterans will meet in a private room in the office, so Snyder said there is no reason to be shy about it if one is a veteran looking for help.
Interested residents with questions can call the Carmichaels office at 724-966-8953 during business hours. The legion specialist will meet with veterans every fourth Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Snyder’s office in Carmichaels, which is located at 104 S. Market St.