Alyssa Hutchinson Applause

The Education Council of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce has honored Alyssa Hutchinson of Acme, a junior at Geibel Catholic High School, as a student of the month for March.
A daughter of Jeff and Janet Hutchinson, she is undecided about the post-secondary school she will attend but plans to study biology with the career goal of obtaining a degree and post-baccalaureate degree with an emphasis on biology and/or mathematics.
Hutchinson has work experience with the Summit Forestry Group Inc. as a part-time laborer. She is involved in the community as a volunteer for both the Conn-Area Performing Arts Club and the Service Dog Project Inc.
Her other honors and awards include the French National Honor Society, Seton Hill Women in Science Day, Mathematics Award and highest honor roll.
Hutchinson is involved in extracurricular activities at Geibel, including volleyball, musical, prom committee, math league, chamber ensemble, Show Stoppers and a volunteer with the junior high Christian Youth Organization.
Elected by their schools based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities and citizenship, students of the month are honored by the chamber’s education council. They were presented a recognition certificate at the students of the month dinner in April.