Words from the web
Donald Trump called Monday for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” He was swiftly condemned by his rival GOP candidates for president and other Republican leaders. The idea also faced an immediate challenge to its legality and feasibility from experts who could point to no formal exclusion of immigrants based on religion in America’s history. What do you think of Trump’s call? Has he finally gone overboard with his comments? Or is he just saying what’s on the minds of most Americans today?
“I might not support Trump, but he has every right to say anything. Look at the idiot in the White House and some of things he has said to divide this country. Let the Democrat Progressive Liberal whining begin.”
“No one said he couldn’t say what he wants to say. But that doesn’t mean we have to agree with what he’s saying. In fact, every fair-minded person in America should object to what he’s saying. He’s an affront to all Americans and everything this country stands for.”
“Can you name the country founded on the elimination of one race and the enslavement of another?”
“He has out-Trumped himself. He’s looking like a cartoon character of un-American values.”
“Trump is a moron. His followers are worse though.”
“What about the nut who killed those people at the abortion clinic. He was a Christian. So should we lock up all Christians? This is the same thing.”
“You know Trump went too far when former Vice President Dick Cheney says he might need to ease up on the Muslims a little.”
“The carnival barker makes me puke. He’ll say anything to get attention. I think Hitler started out that way.”
“From day one he’s been overboard. The things he says out loud are appalling, and it’s more frightening that he has so many supporters. There’s nothing sensible about anything he says. He refuses to answer straight-forward questions and talks over people who ask them. He’s playing on the fear that people are feeling and only making things worse. I’m waiting for pitchforks and torches to start showing up at his rallies.”
“I think those people have already started showing up at his rallies. I guess some people never really bought into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”