Words from the web
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is being criticized for remarks he made suggesting that African-American students would do better at “slower-track schools” than schools such as the University of Texas. He added that black students come from “lesser schools, where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them.” Do you think that Scalia’s comments are racist? Or is he merely telling it like it is?
“I suspect Scalia, like most Americans, is confusing ‘ghetto’ upbringing with African-American upbringing. Not all ghettos are black and not all black people grew up in ghettos.”
“He is not telling it like it is. He is spewing ignorance.”
“Being smart has its problems too. Justice Scalia seems to think smarts are only given to some and not all. To think that only whites have the ability to climb the ladder of knowledge is stupid. Smart people, black and white, have trouble dealing with this normal world we live in.”
“If he is admitting blacks get a lesser education, then why isn’t he doing something to change that? I personally think it was his ‘so called’ educated way of saying blacks are not as smart as white, which in my opinion is racist. Doesn’t it mean we should all fight harder for higher education for uneducated blacks, instead of trying to exclude them. Just saying.”
“He’s telling it like it is. Black students are getting hurt in big city schools where teachers are only worried about funding their pensions not teaching kids. They graduate and are so far behind others in basics. Someone has to make this racial every time. It’s not about race. It’s about failure. Perhaps a slower track is the right to their survival and success.”
“He is basically racial profiling and stereotyping these individuals by saying they can’t compete.”
“There used to be Slavic, Polish, Italian, Irish and Negro jobs in the steel industry heyday. Management for years was confined to regular Scots/English or German ‘normal’ white, protestant Americans. Back then Scalia’s ‘dago’ grandparents would be ‘profiled’ because of their obvious genetically inferior qualities. Funny how times change, but remain the same. But, I am just telling it like it was and still is.”
“He’s definitely being very racist. I can’t believe a Supreme Court judge would talk like that.”
“Maybe he’s talking about Clarence Thomas?”